helping to build a world without hunger


Regional Conference for Latin America
and the Caribbean (LARC)
30th Session
Brasilia, 14 - 18 April 2008

Provisional List of documents Download ID
LARC/8/1 Rev.1 Provisional anotated agenda K1758E
LARC/8/2 Policies to promote and/or strengthen the participation and joint action of public and private actors in rural development K1479E
LARC/8/3 Transboundary diseases K1478E
LARC/8/4 Opportunities and challenges of biofuel production for food security and the environment in Latin America and the Caribbean K1481E
LARC/8/5 Matters arising from the thirty-fourth session of the FAO Conference K1991E
LARC/8/6 Report on FAO activities (2006-2007) aimed at achieving the Millennium Development Goals and the World Food Summit target K1756E
LARC/8/7 Round table: Follow-up to the International Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (ICARRD) K1520E
LARC/8/8 Pressing global and regional issues: Hunger-free Latin American and Caribbean Initiative K1480E
Serie LARC/06/INFDownload ID
LARC/8/INF/1 Information Note K1511E
LARC/8/INF/2 Rev.1 Provisional timetable K1759E
LARC/8/INF/3 Rev.1 Provisional list of documents K1760E
LARC/8/INF/4 Statement of the Director-General K2321E
LARC/8/INF/5 Report of the Twenty-fourth session of the Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission K1477E
LARC/8/INF/6 Report of the Commission on livestock development for Latin America and the Caribbean K1475E
LARC/8/INF/7 Food Safety: Effective participation of developing countries in Codex Alimentarius meetings K1757E
The ReportDownload ID
LARC 08/REP The Regional Conference Final Report K3601E

Previous Sessions: LARC 29; LARC 28; LARC 27; LARC 26.

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