Biotechnology, climate change and practical applications
17 February 2016
Shadrack Moephuli, of the Agricultural Research Council in Pretoria, South Africa, talks about how biotechnology can help adapt to climate [...more]
Fermentation technology for animal nutrition
17 February 2016
Cavaba Srinivas Prasada, of the National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru, India, talks about the application of fermentation [...more]
New technologies and the Industry
17 February 2016
Daniel Kamanga, Director of Communication of Africa Harvest, illustrates the experience he came to share in the Symposium, namely a [...more]
L’expérience du Cameroun en matière de biotechnologies
17 February 2016
M. Henri Eyebe Ayissi, Ministre de l'agriculture et du développement rural du Cameroun, parle de l’ expérience du Cameroun et [...more]
Biotechnology for animal breeding
16 February 2016
Paul Boettcher, of FAO Animal Genetic Resources branch, talks about biotechnologies for animal breeding in the context of climate change [...more]
La société civile et les biotechnologies
16 February 2016
Guy Kastler, La Via Campesina, intervenant de la société civile à l’occasion du Symposium international sur le rôle des biotechnologies [...more]
The future of biotechnologies
15 February 2016
Gunter Pauli, Founder, Zero Emissions Research and Initiatives Network, Japan, discusses his vision of biotechnologies and how they can be [...more]
Biotechnology and wild genetic diversity
15 February 2016
Douglas Cook, of University of California Davis, USA, talks about the importance of wild gene pools for improving crops and [...more]
Symposium on Agricultural Biotechnologies, FAO 15-17 February, 2016
15 February 2016
"We need more focused research for small farmers", says Louise Fresco, President, Executive Board of Wageningen, the Netherlands, at the [...more]
Marcela Villarreal on Symposium on Agricultural Biotechnologies
12 February 2016
The Symposium on Agricultural Biotechnologies hosted by FAO is a neutral platform for a scientific debate, an opportunity for researchers, [...more]