The International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers: Unlocking the potential of agricultural innovation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

Chair’s Summary now available


Shadrack Moephuli, the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Agricultural Research Council in South Africa, was Chair of the Symposium.

On the final morning of the Symposium, he facilitated Plenary Session 5 where he first invited a youth representative to present the key messages that emerged from the 'Youth as drivers of Innovation' event that had taken place the previous evening. He then invited the Chairs of the six parallel sessions to briefly provide the key take-home messages that emerged from their sessions. Finally, Shadrack presented his draft Chair’s Summary to the plenary and opened the floor for comments.

As promised then, he subsequently revised the Summary, taking into consideration the inputs from the youth representative and the parallel session Chairs as well as the many constructive comments provided during the plenary session.

  • The 3-page final version of the Chair’s Summary is now available in English, French and Spanish.