
COFI35 会议文件

COFI/2022/1 Rev.2 暂定议程
COFI/2022/2 世界渔业和水产养殖状况:影响可持续渔业和水产养殖的行动
COFI/2022/2.1 《负责任渔业行为守则》和相关文书的实施进展亮点
COFI/2022/3 粮农组织渔业和水产养殖业工作对于实现《2030 年可持续发 展议程》所作贡献
COFI/2022/4 支持小规模及手工渔业
COFI/2022/4.1 Rev.1 国际手工渔业和水产养殖年
COFI/2022/5 打击非法、不报告和不管制捕鱼
COFI/2022/6 加强渔委讨论包括设立渔业管理分委员会提案工作组的建议
COFI/2022/7 渔业和水产养殖业应对气候变化:报告《实施联合国粮农组 织气候变化战略行动计划》的进展情况和评论要点
COFI/2022/8 渔业及水产养殖业生物多样性主流化
COFI/2022/9 渔业和水产养殖业相关全球及区域进程发展状况
COFI/2022/10 渔委水产养殖分委员会第十一届会议(2022 年 5 月 24-27 日)的决定和建议
COFI/2022/11 渔委鱼品贸易分委员会第十八届会议(2022 年 4 月 8 日-5 月 8 日、6 月 7–9 日和 20 日)的决定和建议
COFI/2022/12 联合国粮农组织《2022-31 年战略框架》内渔业和水产养殖 业工作计划
COFI/2022/12.1 制定《联合国粮农组织科学与创新战略》(2022-25 年)区域行动计划
COFI/2022/13 渔业委员会多年工作计划:《2020-2023 多年工作计划》进 展报告及《2022-2025 多年工作计划》草案
COFI/2022/INF/1 Rev.1 暂定时间表
COFI/2022/INF/2 Rev.1 暂定文件清单
COFI/2022/INF/3 与会人员名单
COFI/2022/INF/4 总干事讲话
COFI/2022/INF/5 Rev.1 暂定议程注释
COFI/2022/INF/6 渔业委员会第三十四届会议(2021 年 2 月 1-5 日)报告
COFI/2022/INF/7 《负责任渔业行为守则》和相关文书的实施进展
COFI/2022/INF/8 海上安全、社会保护和渔业及水产养殖业领域体面工作
COFI/2022/INF/9 支持小规模及手工渔业
COFI/2022/INF/10 转载自愿准则技术磋商会(2022 年 5 月 30 日-6 月 3 日)报告
COFI/2022/INF/11 Rev.1 《联合国粮农组织气候变化战略》最新情况
COFI/2022/INF/12 渔业及水产养殖业生物多样性主流化:确认和实施“其他基 于保护区的有效保护措施”
COFI/2022/INF/13 渔业和水产养殖业相关全球及区域进程发展状况补充信息;
COFI/2022/INF/14 渔 委 水 产 养 殖 分 委 员 会 第 十 一 届 会 议 ( 2022 年 5 月 24-27 日)报告
COFI/2022/INF/15 渔委鱼品贸易分委员会第十八届会议(2022 年 4 月 8 日-5 月 8 日、6 月 7–9 日和 20 日)报告
COFI/2022/INF/16 《联合国粮农组织科学与创新战略》最新情况
COFI/2022/INF/17 欧盟及其成员国提交的权限和表决权声明
COFI/2022/SBD.1 Follow-up to the decisions and recommendations of the 34th Session of the Committee on Fisheries, 1-5 February 2021
COFI/2022/SBD.2 Regional statistical analysis of responses by FAO Members to the 2021-2022 questionnaire on the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and related instruments
COFI/2022/SBD.3 Minutes of the 1st Meeting of the Working Group on the Proposal of the Establishment of the Sub-Committee on Fisheries Management (WG 1)
COFI/2022/SBD.4 Minutes of the 2nd Meeting of the Working Group on the Proposal of the Establishment of the Sub-Committee on Fisheries Management (WG 2)
COFI/2022/SBD.5 Minutes of the 3rd Meeting of the Working Group on the Proposal of the Establishment of the Sub-Committee on Fisheries Management (WG 3)
COFI/2022/SBD.6 Minutes of the 4th Meeting of the Working Group on the Proposal of the Establishment of the Sub-Committee on Fisheries Management (WG 4)
COFI/2022/SBD.7 Minutes of the 5th Meeting of the Working Group on the Proposal of the Establishment of the Sub-Committee on Fisheries Management (WG 5)
COFI/2022/SBD.8 Minutes of the 6th Meeting of the Working Group on the Proposal of the Establishment of the Sub-Committee on Fisheries Management (WG 6)
COFI/2022/SBD.9 Global assessment of COVID-19 on fisheries and aquaculture
COFI/2022/SBD.10 Illuminating hidden harvests: the contributions of small-scale fisheries to sustainable development. (Executive summary)
COFI/2022/SBD.11 Genetic technologies in fisheries and aquaculture
COFI/2022/SBD.12 The 1989 FAO Standard Specification for the Marking and Identification of Fishing Vessels – use and options for review
COFI/2022/SBD.13 Resources in support of the implementation of the SSF Guidelines
COFI/2022/SBD.14 Developments in fora of importance for the mandate of COFI
COFI/2022/SBD.15 Regional Fisheries Bodies and their role in improving safety and decent work on fishing vessels
COFI/2022/SBD.16 Report of the Third Meeting of the Parties to the Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing. Brussels, Belgium, 31 May − 4 June 2021
COFI/2022/SBD.17 Technical guidelines on methodologies and indicators for the estimation of the magnitude and impact of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing (IUU fishing) - Volume 3.2: A Catalog of Examples for Estimating IUU Fishing
COFI/2022/SBD.18 Technical guidelines on methodologies and indicators for the estimation of the magnitude and impact of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing (IUU fishing) - Volume 4: Indicators of IUU Fishing
COFI/2022/SBD.19 Study on the Implementation of the 1993 FAO Compliance Agreement