FAO Conference

39th Session
Rome, 6 - 13 June 2015

Addresses and Statements

Statements by Heads of Delegations under Item 10:
"Breaking the Cycle of Rural Poverty and Hunger by Strengthening Rural Resilience:
Social Protection and Sustainable Agricultural Development"

The statements are published as delivered and should be treated as Verbatim Records for item 10.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015, morning
Her Excellency Assunção Cristas, Minister for Agriculture and Sea of Portugal
His Excellency Andrä Rupprechter, Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management of Austria
His Excellency Dejan Zidan, Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Food of Slovenia
His Excellency Tom Hayes, Minister of State for Food, Horticulture and Food Safety of Ireland
Mr Tadeusz Nalewajk, Under-Secretary of State for Agriculture and Rural Development of Poland
Mr Roderick Galdes, Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture and Fisheries of Malta
Ms Desdra Basscombe, Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Food Production of Trinidad and Tobago
Mr Aleg Yetmalovich, Director of Economic Cooperation and Sustainable Development of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus
Mr Benedikt Höskuldsson, Director for Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iceland
Son Excellence Monsieur Serge Tomasi, Ambassadeur et Représentant permanent de la France auprès de la FAO
Mr Fabian Muya, Alternate Permanent Representative of Kenya to FAO
Son Excellence Madame Justine Nisubire, Ambassadeur et Représentant permanent du Burundi auprès de la FAO
Mr Giovanni Caffarelli, Honorary Consul General of Samoa
Ms O'Love Tauveve Jacobsen, High Commissioner of Niue in New Zealand
Son Excellence Monseigneur Fernando Chica Arellano, Nonce apostolique, Observateur permanent du Saint-Siège auprès de la FAO
Her Excellency Mai Alkaila, Ambassador and Representative of Palestine
****************Statements Inserted in the Verbatim Report on Request****************
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Lao People's Democratic Republic
San Marino
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
Sovereign Order of Malta (Observer)