Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2), 19-21 November 2014

Non-State-Actors participation in the ICN2

Stakeholders involvement

Evidence has shown that the creation of more inclusive fora have enabled greater participation, transparency, inclusion and plurality in policy discussions, thus leading to increased ownership of decisions made at global level. It is also necessary to mobilize the knowledge and capacities of all the different stakeholders to generate political consensus to promote nutrition as a priority in the global development agenda.
In the light of the above, the Governing Bodies of FAO and WHO have requested both agencies to ensure consultations with all relevant stakeholders, including with other United Nations organizations working in the field of nutrition, nongovernmental organizations and the private sector.

Pre-Conference events

Pre-Conference events will be organized by stakeholders: one for civil society organizations; another for private sector representatives; and a third event for parliamentarians. These events will be held outside FAO premises and will provide an opportunity for stakeholders to coordinate their participation in ICN2, and to agree on a statement, from each pre-Conference event, to be delivered during the Conference.

  1. Parliamentarians’ Event (18 November 2014)
    The importance of securing a link with Parliamentarians, who represent the legislative bodies of countries, is seen as a key contribution to addressing nutrition in a holistic way as it remains an urgent challenge.
  2. Private Sector Event (18 November 2014)
    This Event will give participants an opportunity to review progress made towards improving nutrition since 1992, reflect on nutrition problems that remain, as well as on the new challenges and opportunities for improving nutrition presented by changes in the global economy, in food systems and by advances in science and technology, in order to contribute to global and regional nutrition policy processes, and identify policy options for improving nutrition.
    The Event will provide space for the private sector to discuss and agree on a position to be delivered at the ICN2 and identify a Spokesperson to address the ICN2 Plenary.
  3. Civil Society Event (17-18 November 2014)
    This Event will give civil society organizations working on food and nutrition related issues the opportunity to: evaluate the ICN2 process and outcome documents (Political Declaration and Framework for Action); discuss and agree on a statement to be read in the Plenary of the Conference; select the Spokespersons to present the statement and to participate in the Conference; and to discuss mechanisms to follow up on ICN2 decisions, contributing to its accountability.



Representatives of civil society and the private sector invited to ICN2 can participate in the Conference in an observer capacity.
Parliamentarians and representatives of Civil Society and of the Private Sector will have three time slots to present the outcomes of the three pre-Conference events at a plenary meeting of the Conference. Furthermore, representatives of NSAs may designate among themselves a few spokespersons to address the Conference during the General Debate, within the available speaking time.
Subject to space availability, representatives of NSAs will be able to attend the General Debate, the Roundtables and the Side Events, with access to meeting rooms limited by the number of available seats in each room.


In addition to the General Debate, with statements by Heads of Delegations, the Conference will include thematic Roundtables. The Chairs' summaries of the Roundtables will be presented in plenary on the last day of the Conference. Representatives of NSAs may be invited to intervene in the course of the Roundtables.

Side Events

Moreover, nine Side Events will be held during the Conference. Representatives of NSAs may likewise be invited to intervene during the Side Even