1 December, 2016

FAO names a second Special Ambassador for Nutrition
King Letsie III of Lesotho will be appointed FAO Special Ambassador for Nutrition during the opening of the Symposium.
As the Champion of Nutrition for the African Union King Letsie III has demonstrated a personal commitment to advancing the global development agenda. King Letsie III will join Queen Letizia of Spain, as FAO’s second Special Ambassador for Nutrition. Queen Letizia has been raising awareness of global hunger challenges since her appointment as Special Ambassador for Nutrition last year.
2 December, 2016

Spotlight on Healthy Diets
In her talk on nutrition and wellbeing, Jenny Chandler, blogger, food writer and FAO Special Ambassador for the International Year of Pulses, will focus on the importance of making healthy food choices when deciding for our next meal.
Peppering her talk with humour and common sense, Jenny will lead participants through some of the options available to everyone so that eating and cooking healthier for our families, our children and ourselves is both easy and fun.

What I eat: around the world in 80 diets
With camera and notebook in hand, Peter Menzel, author of award-winning photographs, and his wife Faith D’Aluisio, editor and writer, travelled to 30 countries some years ago.
Their aim was to make portraits and write essays of individuals and the food that fuels them. The result of this project will be described through a visual journey, by Peter and Faith who will shine a light on the way some ordinary people eat, revealing their culture, economy and way of life.

WHO outcomes of the second Global Nutrition Policy Review
In 2016, the World Health Organization undertook the 2nd Global Nutrition Policy Review. Preliminary results will be presented to show countries’ progress in implementing actions to both achieve Global Nutrition and Diet-related Noncommunicable Disease Targets and implement recommended actions of the ICN2 Framework for Action.