Towards a vision on forests in the post-2015 era
Sunday 6 September (15:00–16:30)
High Level Dialogue of Heads of Member Organizations of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF)
2015 is a decisive year for forests and sustainable development in general. Just a few weeks after the Congress, the UN General Assembly is expected to adopt the post-2015 development agenda including an ambitious and comprehensive set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Throughout the process of the SDG development, the CPF and its members have provided significant technical inputs, helping to ensure that forests are adequately considered. In accordance with its mandate the CPF and its members will have a strong supporting role in the implementation of the SDGs and the post-2015 development agenda as they relate to forests.
In addition, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 21) will convene this December in Paris with the aim of achieving a legally binding and universal agreement on climate to keep global warming below 2°C. Forests will have a central role in achieving this ambitious goal.
In light of the new opportunities arising from the post-2015 development agenda and COP21, it is time to build a new global vision for forests, forestry and people aiming to achieve global forest and climate change goals. The High Level Dialogue of the CPF Leaders aims to deliver elements of such a vision and to highlight the role of the Partnership in ensuring the vision becomes reality. The outcomes of this dialogue will flow into the Congress deliberations and will contribute to the key messages emanating from the Congress.
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Who can attend?
Everyone registered for the Congress is welcome to attend.