Office of Strategy, Programme and Budget (OSP)

Planning, Monitoring and Reporting

Planning: Strategic Framework, Medium Term Plan and Programme of Work and Budget

As called for in FAO’s Basic Texts, since 2010 all of FAO’s work is guided by a Strategic Framework prepared for a period of ten to fifteen years, reviewed every four years and including inter alia an analysis of the challenges facing food, agriculture and rural development and populations dependent thereon, including consumers; a strategic vision, the goals of Members in areas of FAO’s mandate, as well as Strategic Objectives to be achieved by Members and the international community with support from FAO (C2009/REP).

Based on the longer-term Strategic Framework, FAO's results framework guides the planning and monitoring of the Organization’s work within the four-year term in the Medium Term Plan and within a biennium through the Programme of Work and Budget.

Corporate monitoring and reporting: Mid Term Review Synthesis Report and Programme Implementation Report

In terms of monitoring and reporting:

The Mid Term Review Synthesis Report (MTR) describes the progress at output level at the end of the first year of the biennium in implementing the approved Programme of Work and Budget for a given biennium based on FAO’s results-based monitoring framework.

The Programme Implementation Report (PIR) informs on the work carried out and the results achieved by the Organization during the preceding biennium. It provides quantitative and qualitative information on delivery, targets and indicators of results of the Strategic Objectives, Functional Objectives and Special Chapters as planned in the Programme of Work and Budget.

In addition, every two years, FAO conducts a Corporate Outcome Assessment (COA). Outcomes reflect the changes in the country-level enabling environment needed to foster the achievement of FAO's four aspirations of better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life.