FAO supporting women in dairy business

Mrs. Qudsia produces approximately 300 liters of milk per day from 30 cows. She processes the milk into yoghurt, dry drip, drip butter and other dairy products which she sells to many consumers in village and in provincial market; many consumers pay for their products in advance.
In Afghanistan, livestock represents the main source of income-generation for thousands of families whose cattle are their main source of livelihoods. The main challenges for domestic dairy producers in Afghanistan have been lack of access to markets for their products and animal health services. Animal husbandry is mainly traditional with many livestock disease outbreaks and high animal mortality rates.
The Dairy Industry Development project supports women smallholder dairy farmers in Kabul, Parwan and Logar provinces. Mrs. Qudsia (57) is one of the project beneficiaries from Dehsabz village in Dehsabz district of Kabul province. She has a family of 13 (7 daughters and 6 sons). She started milk production with one cow. Her farm has grown into a big operation with 30 cows creating job opportunities for many other villagers.
Mrs. Qudsia added “The Dairy project enabled me to build my own house and support my children to get better education” she went on to say. “Before the support of the dairy project it was very hard and expensive for me to access health care for my cows when they got sick, but now the dairy project has made it easier not only for me but for many farmers in our community to access animal health services”.
The project facilitates Veterinary Field Units to provide services to dairy farmers at a reasonable cost although on a cost recovery basis. Farmers, including Mrs. Qudsia, are provided with certified fodder seed leading to increased livestock feed availability and higher milk yields. Together with many other farmers, Mrs. Qudsia received training in hygienic milking, basic veterinary skills, improved fodder production, livestock feeding and animal housing practices helping to increase her cows’ milk production.
*Project: Development of Integrated Dairy Schemes in Kabul, Logar and Parwan Provinces (UTF/AFG/080/AFG)
*Published: September, 2015 FAO Afghanistan Newsletter.