Impact of rehabilitation of zohrabi irrigation scheme in Samangan Province by IRDP

During this impact survey, people were delighted about the resto¬ration of the irrigation scheme. The rehabilitation was successful in providing enough water to better establish orchards and timber production of 600JERIB (120ha). Planted fruit trees at community homesteads are now providing fruit.
Farmers are now encouraged to practice crop rotation by planting legumes cereals crops. The leguminous crops grown are mainly green gram, cowpeas and okra. These crops help in nitrogen fixa¬tion especially if plant residues are also used for mulching. The re¬habilitation has been effective in providing water to farmers who in turn adopted practices that enhance soil conservation, crop rota¬tion agroforestry practices and farm management.
Currently irrigation water is available 24 hours a day and allows farmers to grow and harvest crops twice a year. Maintenance costs for the irrigation system is minimal and there are no wastes due to seepage and evaporation as in the past. All these aspects strength¬en the sustainability of the restoration. The uninterrupted availability of water in the intake has brought a lot of confidence amongst farmers.
*Project: Irrigation Rehabilitation Development Project, UTF/AFG/070/AFG/ IRDP)
*Published: March, 2016 FAO Afghanistan Newsletter- Issue 4th