
Afghanistan: Assessment on flood damage
Since March 2024, Afghanistan has experienced heavy rains. Major flood damage has been reported in several provinces, with extensive and severe impacts. The first flood events that occurred in March and April 2024 affected areas in the north, centre and parts of Nimroz. The May events were dispersed over a larger area but affected a high proportion of districts in Badakhshan and Nimroz. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Data in Emergencies (DIEM) conducted geographic information system exposure analysis and collected data from primary and secondary sources. Data were collected in three rounds from 24 April to 30 May 2024 across 104 districts and 654 communities in 20 provinces. The secondary sources included FAO Regional Offices and implementing partner records of affected communities at district level. FAO established DIEM-Impact to provide a granular and rapid understanding of the impact of large-scale hazards on agriculture and agricultural livelihoods using a variety of assessment methodologies, including primary and secondary information, remote sensing technologies, and FAO’s damage and loss methodology. DIEM-Impact presents a regularly updated and accessible state of food insecurity in fragile environments and helps underpin FAO's programming based on evidence.

Afghanistan: DIEM – Data in Emergencies Monitoring brief, round 8
This Data in Emergencies Monitoring (DIEM-Monitoring) brief shares the results of an eighth-round assessment conducted in January and February 2024 in Afghanistan. It presents key findings and recommendations for humanitarian actors to utilize in planning and implementing data-driven programming to sustain farmers’ livelihoods and build their resilience to future shocks protecting the food security of rural people in Afghanistan. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) established the DIEM-Monitoring System to collect, analyse and disseminate data on shocks and livelihoods in countries prone to multiple shocks. DIEM-Monitoring aims to inform decision-making by providing regularly updated information on how different shocks are affecting the livelihoods and food security of agricultural populations. Information is collected from primary sources in the production process: producers, traders or marketers, input suppliers, extension officers, and other key informants.

Afghanistan: DIEM – Data in Emergencies Monitoring brief, round 7
This Data in Emergencies Monitoring (DIEM-Monitoring) brief shares the results of a seventh-round assessment conducted in September and October 2023 in Afghanistan. It presents key findings and recommendations for humanitarian actors to utilize in planning and implementing data-driven programming to sustain farmers’ livelihoods and build their resilience to future shocks – protecting the food security of rural people in Afghanistan. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) established the DIEM-Monitoring System to collect, analyse and disseminate data on shocks and livelihoods in countries prone to multiple shocks. DIEM-Monitoring aims to inform decision-making by providing regularly updated information on how different shocks are affecting the livelihoods and food security of agricultural populations. Information is collected from primary sources in the production process: producers, traders or marketers, input suppliers, extension officers and other key informants.

Between December 2022 and January 2023, Afghanistan experienced an extreme cold wave. The central region of Ghor recorded the lowest reading of -33°C. A reported 124 people died from hypothermia and anecdotal sources suggest the loss of a large number of livestock ranging from 70 000 to 200 000. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Data in Emergencies Information System (DIEM) and its Food Security Cluster partners launched an assessment in the aftermath of the cold wave. The assessment aimed to identify the areas most exposed to cold temperatures and losses; analyse the effects and impacts of the cold wave on livestock and livestock-based livelihoods; assess the preparedness measures that mitigated the effects of the cold wave on livestock; and identify suitable response and preparedness interventions. FAO established DIEM-Impact to provide a granular and rapid understanding of the impact of large-scale hazards on agriculture and agricultural livelihoods using a variety of assessment methodologies, including primary and secondary information, remote sensing technologies, and FAO’s damage and loss methodology. DIEM-Impact presents a regularly updated and accessible state of food insecurity in fragile environments and helps underpin FAO's programming based on evidence.

FAO's response to the 2023 earthquakes in Afghanistan | FAO Data in Emergencies Hub
On 7 October 2023, two consecutive earthquakes with high macroseismic intensity categorized at 6.3 magnitude hit western Afghanistan at around 07.00 (UTC +4.30). The earthquakes mostly impacted several villages in Zindajan district, west of Herat city in Herat province, and have caused devastating loss of life and injuries across the region. The Data in Emergencies (DIEM) team at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) examined satellite images over the period to understand the impact and published a StoryMap including recommendations.

On 22 June 2022, a 5.9 earthquake struck Afghanistan's central region. The provinces of Khost and Paktika were the most affected. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) established Data in Emergencies Impact (DIEM-Impact) to provide a granular and rapid understanding of the impact of large-scale hazards on agriculture and agricultural livelihoods using a variety of assessment methodologies, including primary and secondary information, remote sensing technologies, and FAO’s damage and loss methodology. DIEM-Impact presents a regularly updated and accessible state of food insecurity in fragile environments and helps underpin FAO's programming based on evidence. In July and August 2022, DIEM-Impact conducted an impact assessment to evaluate the effects of the earthquake on agricultural livelihoods and food security across three districts in the affected provinces. This report presents the results of the assessment.

Afghanistan: DIEM – Data in Emergencies Monitoring brief, round 6
This Data in Emergencies Monitoring (DIEM-Monitoring) brief shares the results of a sixth-round assessment conducted between January and February 2023 in Afghanistan. It presents key findings and recommendations for humanitarian actors to utilize in planning and implementing data-driven programming to sustain farmers’ livelihoods and build their resilience to future shocks – protecting the food security of rural people in Afghanistan.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) established the DIEM-Monitoring System to collect, analyse and disseminate data on shocks and livelihoods in countries prone to multiple shocks. DIEM-Monitoring aims to inform decision-making by providing regularly updated information on how different shocks are affecting the livelihoods and food security of agricultural populations. Information is collected from primary sources in the production process: producers, traders or marketers, input suppliers, extension officers and other key informants.
Afghanistan: DIEM – Data in Emergencies Monitoring brief, round 5
This Data in Emergencies Monitoring (DIEM-Monitoring) brief shares the results of a fifth-round assessment conducted between July and August 2022 in Afghanistan. It presents key findings and recommendations for humanitarian actors to utilize in planning and implementing data-driven programming to sustain farmers’ livelihoods and build their resilience to future shocks – protecting the food security of rural people in Afghanistan.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) established the DIEM-Monitoring System to collect, analyses and disseminate data on shocks and livelihoods in countries prone to multiple shocks. DIEM-Monitoring aims to inform decision-making by providing regularly updated information on how different shocks are affecting the livelihoods and food security of agricultural populations. Information is collected from primary sources in the production process: producers, traders or marketers, input suppliers, extension officers and other key informants.
Afghanistan: DIEM – Data in Emergencies Monitoring brief, round 4
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) launched a household survey in Afghanistan through the Data in Emergencies Monitoring (DIEM-Monitoring) System to monitor agricultural livelihoods and food security. This fourth-round survey utilized a random sample of 5 971 households in 25 provinces, representative at province level. The data, collected from 12 March to 4 April 2022, were weighted by demographics.
Afghanistan - Data in Emergencies Monitoring (DIEM-Monitoring) brief round 3
This brief presents the results of a household survey conducted in Afghanistan by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) through the Data in Emergencies Monitoring (DIEM-Monitoring) System on agricultural livelihoods and food security. Data collection began on 1 August 2021 but was abruptly halted by the events of mid-August 2021. It resumed in September however and was completed in that month. The random sample of 7 155 active crop and livestock producers was representative at the provincial level for 20 of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces.
Afghanistan | Agricultural livelihoods and food security in the context of COVID-19, round 2
This report shares an analysis of the effects of coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) in the agri-food system in Afghanistan. It analyses the results of a field assessment conducted between 7 and 26 February 2021. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is implementing a project to contribute to data collection and analysis linked to COVID-19 to inform evidence-based programming in selected countries. The objective is to assess the effects of COVID-19 in the agri-food system, which includes crops, livestock and fishing, food supply, livelihoods, and food security of the rural population at the national level. Information is collected from primary sources of the production process: producer households, traders or marketers, inputs suppliers, extension officers, and key informants
Afghanistan | Agricultural livelihoods and food security in the context of COVID-19, round 1
This report shares the analysis on the effects of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the agri-food system in Afghanistan based on the assessment conducted during May–June 2020.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is implementing a project to contribute to data collection and analysis linked to COVID-19 to inform evidence-based programming in selected countries. The objective is to assess the effects of COVID-19 in the agri-food system, which includes livestock and fishing, food supply, livelihoods and food security of the rural population at national level. Information is collected from primary sources of the production process: producer households, traders or marketers, inputs suppliers, extension officers and key informants. The first round of data collection has been completed, with rounds II and III foreseen in 2021.
Agriculture is crucial for the national economy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Adoption of new strategies for agriculture monitoring, rural land use planning, and management are urgently required to reduce hunger and poverty and to assure sustainable food and feed production for future generations. The availability of reliable information on natural resources and agriculture for its monitoring and analysis is indispensable to the development and implementation of such strategies. This Atlas is the first of two books and provides the collected information and maps of the country based on the agro-climatic Indicators.
Afghanistan Drought Risk Management Strategy (2019-2030)
Given the increasing severity, frequency and impacts of droughts in Afghanistan - also evident in the large scale adverse impacts of the 2018-drought - the Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GoIRA) decided to make a paradigm shift in its approach from the erstwhile management of drought as a disaster to proactively managing the risks of drought. Under the guidance of H.E. Dr. Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, former President of Afghanistan; the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) was requested by H.E. Eng. Nasir Ahmad Durrani, former Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, to formulate a long-term (2019- 2030) strategy for drought risk management
Afghanistan Future Smart Food (available only in Dari)
ســمارت فــود آینـده (FSF) در انکشـاف و توسـعه زراعـت و متنـوع سـاختن محصـولات زراعتـی رول مهـم ایفـا نمـوده و در رســیدن بــه اهــداف انکشــاف توســعه پایــدار (SDG) کمـک میکنـد. بـه ویـژه هدف دوم انکشـاف پایـدار ملـل متحـد (SDG #2) که عبارت از ریشـه کـن سـاختن گرسـنگی وهمـه اشـکال سـوء تغـذی الـی سـال 2030 میباشـد.
طبــق رهنمــود هــای حــوزوی ســازمان خــوراک و زراعــت ملــل متحــد (FAO) توجــه اولــی بــرای افغانسـتان ایـن بـوده کـه انـواع از تولیـدات زراعتی کــه در حــال حاضــر فرامــوش شــده و اســتفاده آن محــدود شــده اســت (NUS) دریافــت گردنــد.
دفتـر سـازمان خـوراک و زراعـت ملـل متحـد در افغانســتان بعــد از یــک سلســله تحقیقــات ویــژه و ســروی عمومــی بــه ســطح کشــور در همــکاری بـا مؤسسـه تحقیقاتـی ملـی یـک سـروی سـاحوی همــه جانبــه ملــی را جهــت دریافــت غــذا هــای فرامـوش شـده و کـم اسـتفاده بـه اکمال رسـاندند، کـه میتودهـا و طـرز جمـع آوری ارقـام و دریافـت هـای آن بشـکل مفصـل در گـزارش عمومـی ذکـر گردیـده اسـت
15 Years Report in Afghanistan
This report presents highlights of the work FAO has done in Afghanistan over the past 15 years, and features stories and testimonials from satisfied FAO beneficiaries. It is organized to reflect the priorities that the Government of Afghanistan has outlined in it's current agricultural development plan, while also showing how FAO's work crosscuts many sectors of agriculture; it demonstrates that by and large, FAO has brought increased prosperity, sustainability and self-reliance to the farmers, pastoralists and food processors of Afghanistan.
The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Land Cover Atlas
This Atlas provides policy and strategic guidance to the rural sector on food security, which directly contributes to the overall objective of strengthening agricultural information and statistics services in the country.
Empowering women in Afghanistan: reducing gender gaps through Integrated Dairy Schemes
Milk and dairy products are crucial for the daily food security and income generation of Afghan families, and women play an important role in the related activities
25 years of FAO Technical Assistance in Developing the Afghanistan Seed Sector
This publication tells the extraordinary story of the development of the seed industry in Afghanistan during decades of violent conflict, and describes FAO’s central role throughout the process.
Assess the efficiency of wheat seed production as the basis of the Afghanistan seed industry.
Analysis of the Seed Market in Afghanistan
Strengthening National Seed Production Capacity in Afghanistan
Seed Industry Privatization - Strengthening National Seed Production Capacity in Afghanistan
Proceedings of a workshop on Seed Industry Privatization, 6-8 December 2004, Kabul, Afghanistan.
Since 1982, FAO has had a continuous history of involvement in the seed sector of Afghanistan, which has resulted in the implementation of several seed projects in close partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture.