Workshop on Lessons Learning and Knowledge Sharing on Resilience Building in Africa
Impact showcase - Recommendations for Enhanced Programming - Community of Practice - Knowledge disseminationS
Kampala (Uganda), 18/11/2024 - 20/11/2024
©Daniel Chaplin
The workshop aims to identify and scale up successful resilience-building interventions, thereby contributing towards the objectives of the Lessons Learning and Knowledge Sharing Initiative on resilience building in Africa. This Initiative will inform and enhance FAO’s resilience programming, improving implementation, reducing associated risks, and increasing the chances of success. The initiative aligns with global frameworks such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDG 2 on Zero Hunger and SDG 13 on Climate Action, which emphasize resilience as a critical element in ending hunger and addressing impacts of climate change. It also supports the African Union Agenda of 2063, which envisions a prosperous and food secure Africa, as well as Post-Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods, reinforcing the commitment of African nations to enhance resilience in Agriculture.
The objective of the initiative is to systematically capture, analyse, document, and disseminate insights and best practices related to resilience building for scaling up. It has reviewed and documented resilience programmes from nine FAO country offices - Ethiopia, Liberia, Madagascar, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe - and identified key focuses of the programmes along the five resilience capacities: Preventive, Anticipative, Absorptive, Adaptive and Transformative.
Additionally, a standardized resilience measurement tool informed by RIMA1 has been adapted and utilized to assess the effectiveness of FAO resilience-building programmes guided by thematic areas, with results reported according to the five resilience capacities.
The participating FAO country offices have established a community of practice
that allows colleagues to engage at the working level, share programming and operational experiences, and expand the discourse on resilience building within the region. This aligns with regional efforts such as the African Union’s Continental Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience, emphasizing multi-sectoral collaboration for resilience. A literature review on FAO resilience initiatives has
also been conducted, reflecting the body of knowledge generated internally and by partners on resilience building. FAO Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda and Zimbabwe have concluded the resilience measurement assessments and are currently finalizing their reports to share the findings with the community of practice.
Concept note
Case studies