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Despite efforts to control the disease for almost ten years, Banana Bacterial Wilt (or BXW as it is known) continues to ravage banana fields in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), especially in the
IPPC increasingly essential as pest risk increases due to globalization
*Rome, 6th of December of 2011.* The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) will celebrate its 60th anniversary in 2012. This multilateral international agreement was signed on 6 December 1951 and entered into force on 3
 Food security is one of the most pressing problems of the present day - ensuring that sufficient, safe food is produced in a sustainable way and that all who need food can have access to
There are certain formulations of pesticides that cannot be safely used in many developing countries given the socio-economic and climatic conditions. These formulations can result in problems for human health or the environment.  Despite the
Following the first international training workshop on the establishment of MRLs and residue risk assessment held last year in Budapest, Hungary, in collaboration with the Foreign Agricultural Service, United States Department of
FAO helps herders earn money for the carbon they sequester when rehabilitating damaged ecosystems
The vast potential of grasslands to support sustainable livelihoods while trapping atmospheric carbon and helping slow down global warming is one step closer to being realized thanks to a new methodology developed by FAO in
Joining forces to protect vulnerable groups from pesticides exposure
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) held a side event on the occasion of the Fifth Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention
Increased preparedness and surveillance urged against variant strain
FAO today urged heightened readiness and surveillance against a possible major resurgence of the H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza amid signs that a mutant strain of the deadly Bird Flu virus is spreading in Asia
Will offer grants to developing countries
Germany, Norway and Switzerland have contributed a first donation of $1,000,000 to a new, FAO-managed fund designed to help developing countries conserve and sustainably use their livestock breeds.
Will offer grants to developing countries
Germany, Norway and Switzerland have contributed a first donation of $1,000,000 to a new, FAO-managed fund designed to help developing countries conserve and sustainably use their livestock breeds.
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