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Jingyuan Xia - Director


Rémi Nono Womdim - Deputy Director


Ronnie Brathwaite - Team Leader - Sustainable cropping systems; Grasslands and crop livestock; The role of agroecology in sustainable production systems; Farmers Field School and agroecology; Manager of GEF/climate change projects; Ecosystem Services.


Baogen Gu - Team Leader - Coordination and facilitation of the work on pesticides management; FAO Secretariat of the Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR) for supporting establishment of Codex MRLs; FAO Secretariat of the Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Specification (JMPS) for supporting establishment of pesticide specifications.


Chikelu Mba - Team Leader -  Seed policies, development, production, marketing; Crop varietal development, including pre-breeding, plant breeding and biotechnology applications; Conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA.


Christine Fuell -Team Leader - Coordination: leading the FAO based part of the Rotterdam Convention (RC) Secretariat; organisation of programme of work; supervision of implementation of the RC; Policy and technical advice: coordination and support of RC meetings (COP, CRC); provision of policy and technical advice on pesticides; Management: day to day management and management tasks within FAO's Plant Production and Protection Division


Fenton Beed - Team Leader - Coordinates field programme support functions and multidisciplinary programmes related to sustainable intensification and improvement of crop-based production systems; Coordinates policy tools and approaches to help member countries develop horticulture subsector; Leads FAO/WHO Initiative on promotion of fruits and vegetable for health; Coordinates support for integrated horticulture-based systems with nutrition and gender consideration.


Shoki Al Dobai - Team Leader - Supervision and coordination of EMPRES-Plant within FCC, i.e. improvement of locust and transboundary pest and disease management, incl. during emergencies, with emphasis on preventive control strategies; Policy and technical advice: support to FAO Desert Locust Commissions; technical advice to locust and other plant pest affected countries; Management: day to day management of AGPMM team, including programme of work and budget.



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