NSP - Cirsium arvense




Common name: Canada thistle, Creeping thistle, Common fieldthistle.

Ecol. & Biol: Perennial. Roots - creeping and white, side roots give rise to upright stem

Stem: upto 60 cm, without wings carrying spiny leaves.

Leaves: spiny, hairy on upper surface, sessile.

Inflorescence: heads, dioecious, bracts apressed. Flowers - male and female produced on seperate plants, male flower heads with long bracts on their base, feathering pappus of branched brownish hairs. Propagation by roots.

Flowering time: July - September.



Distribution: It is not distributed uniformly in the cultivated fields, occurs in localised spots in levelled field with more moisture and high fertility gradient.

Control measures: Deep cultivation, removal of underground parts from localised spots and use of post-emergence herbicides in the heavy infestation areas can form a long term strategy for its control. Clopyralid is more effective than other broad leaf herbicides.


Countries: Iran, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Syria,


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