Regional workshop about Establishment of Seed Policies

A regional workshop about Establishment of Seed Policies was held in Bolivia from 27 to 29 August 2012. It was organized in cooperation by the Seeds and Plant Genetic Resources unit in Rome and the AGP Team of Chile as part of the technical hub created. Funds were provided from the project “Andean Seeds” (GCP/RLA/183/SPA) funded by AECID the Spanish International Cooperation Agency.
Representatives from Ministries of Agriculture from 14 countries were present, most of them decision makers from the national seed authorities.
Elements of a seed sector were presented over two days through case studies from countries in other regions and presentations by all countries of their actual stage of development of the seed sector.
A third day was used exclusively for discussions about prioritization for the development of elements of a seed sector per country.
Strengthening seed systems is an integral part of the sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA) and it was one of the priority activities of the Global Plan of Action (GPA) for PGRFA adopted in 1996.
Together with crop improvement, the availability of quality seeds of a diverse range of adapted crop varieties is essential for food and livelihood security. Appropriate policies can create the enabling environment for seed sector development and facilitate the exchange  and use  of PGRFA in accordance with national and regional agricultural objectives. Many developing countries do not have seed polices and the  absence of well thought-out  policies weakens the national capacity to provide smallholders adequate access to quality seed.
From the outset, providing an adequate working definition of seed policy is important.  A national seed policy can be defined as  statements of principle which guide government action and explain the roles of relevant stakeholders in the coordination, structure, function and development of the seed sector.
Although not legally binding, the seed policy normally serves as the overall framework within which regulatory instruments such as the seed law and various related legislation are contained.
The seed policy ensures that the government’s vision is adequately reflected in day-to-day operations taking place in the seed sector.
This link is important because well prepared seed policies can  allow the stakeholders to understand their roles, responsibilities and contributions within defined boundaries thus facilitating a smooth operation of the seed sector.
Establishment of a National Seed Policy document is a statement of intention  in the direction of each element present in the complex sector of seed production and trade, nationally and internationally.  The process of formulation and implementation has been developed by FAO and technical advise is provided to countries upon request.

Consulta regional sobre políticas públicas en semillas (ABC Digital)

Santa Cruz es la sede de la Consulta Regional sobre Políticas Públicas en semilla en América Latina (NotiboliviaRural)

FAO destaca papel de políticas públicas sobre semillas

FAO: políticas públicas sobre semillas son claves para el desarrollo de la agricultura familiar y la seguridad alimentaria

FAO hizo consulta sobre semillas



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