Pest and Pesticide Management
Wheat rust diseases: preparedness and prevention is key
Contingency Planning for Management of Wheat Rust DiseasesWheat rust diseases are among the major constraints of wheat in South Asia as well as in other parts of the world. Rust diseases are airborne and respect no boundaries. They can spread over borders and cause significant...[more]
Minimum tillage potato IPM boosts farm incomes
In 2008, FAO introduced Viet Nam to the concept of minimum tillage potato growing using integrated pest management (IPM) in lowland rice production systems. Rice fields are not ploughed, or tilled, after harvesting. Instead, the paddies are drained using drainage furrows that...[more]
Pesticide problem solved in Paraguay
In Paraguay a fire that took place in a site owned by the Oficina Fiscalizadora de Algodón y Tabaco (OFAT) in the city of Asunción in 2003 resulted in about 160 tonnes of damaged pesticides, contaminated soil and other contaminated materials being placed in hastily procured...[more]
Training workshop on the establishment of MRLs in Budapest
The first FAO Training Workshop on the establishment of Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) and risk assessment of pesticide residue took place in Budapest, Hungary, from 8 to 12 November 2010. Fifteen trainees participated in the workshop, thirteen of them coming from developing...[more]
Displaying results 21 to 30 out of 43