Methyl bromide (MB) is a broad spectrum fumigant used largely in several countries for combating soil-borne pests and also others in post-harvest, pre-shipment and quarantine treatments. Despite its biological effectiveness, the fumigant has been identified as one of the major ozone depleting substance, and its phase out is a need in all those countries where it is still used.
To protect the earth from the detrimental effects of ozone depleting substances, the Parties of the international treaty known as Montreal Protocol listed MB as one of the most adverse depleting compound with an ODP of 0.7 in 1992. The real phase out of MB started on a world- wide basis in 1995. This decision implied the introduction and validation of new alternatives for soil-borne pest control in order to replace the use of MB
Although FAO is not an implementing agency of the Montreal Protocol, it started a work in collaboration of UNEP DTIE in 1998. The major goal of this work is to conduct a comprehensive training on MB alternatives, which also focuses on the use of IPM principles.
This training is based in three major steps:
• Preparatory workshop to identify already validated MB alternatives and major soil-borne pests.
• Training of extension workers and other technical personnel on IPM and MB alternatives.
• Organizing and conducting Farmers' Field Schools.