Herbicide Resistance and Herbicide Resistant Crops (HRCs)
Database on Herbicide Resistance in Rice:
Sub-Regional Meeting on Herbicide Resistance and Herbicide Resistant Crops for Baltic. Tallin, Estonia 17 - 21 May 1999. Report, FAO Plant Production And Protection Division.
The meeting and training course on herbicide resistance and risk assessment of herbicide resistant crops (HRCs) for Baltic countries were jointly organized by Estonian Plant Production Inspectorate, Saku, Estonia, and the Plant Protection Service (AGPP) of FAO. This activity was held during the period of 17 to 21 May in Saku, Estonia with the participation of specialists from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The meeting’s objectives were to review the situation of herbicide use in the region and problems related to herbicide resistance, introduction of HRCs and to discuss possible followup activities at national and regional level. [more]
Technical Meeting on Benefits and Risks of Transgenic Herbicide Resistant Crops FAO, Rome, Italy, 16-18 November 1998. The report of the technical meeting on HRCs presents summaries and papers on the benefits and risks of HRCs use; and on regulations necessary for the introduction of HRCs.
Transgenic crops are one of the major developments of biotechnology and genetic engineering during the last ten years, and these include so-called Herbicide Resistant Crops (HRCs). HRCs are well suited to chemico-industrial agricultural systems characterized by the use of monoculture and mechanized large-scale crop areas with intensive use of agrochemicals. For this reason, HRCs are accepted in the agriculture of North America. HRCs are tolerant to higher rates of a particular herbicide which was previously non-selective to the crop, i.e. a herbicide that used to be toxic to a single crop can now be used if a gene resistant to it is included in the crop. If the herbicide is sprayed over the crop in an early post-emergence treatment it will eliminate most of the emerged weed seedlings [more]
Regional Meeting on Herbicide Resistance, Taegu, Korea 29 June- 3 July 1998. Report, Fao, Plant Production and Protection Division.
The meeting and training course on herbicide resistance for Asian countries were jointly organized by Kyungpook National University, Taegu (Korea), and the Plant Protection Service (AGPP) of FAO. This activity was held during the period 29 June to 3 July 1998 in Taegu with the participation of specialists from China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam. The purpose of the meeting was to review the situation of herbicide use in the region and problems related to herbicide resistance as well as to discuss possible related follow-up activities at national and regional level. [more]
Reunión Regional Resistencia de Malezas a Herbicidas, Jaboticabal, UNESP, Brasil 27 de octubre 1997. Informe, FAO Division de Produccion y Proteccion Vegetal
La reunión sobre uso de herbicidas y resistencia de las malezas fue organizada por el Servicio de Protección Vegetal (AGPP) de la FAO con el apoyo logístico y técnico de la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad Paulista, Campus Jaboticabal, UNESP, Brasil. Esta reunión se realizó en Jaboticabal el 27 de octubre de 1997, con la participación de especialistas de países selectos de América Latina con conocido historial de amplio uso de herbicidas en los cultivos principales, a saber Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, México y Perú. El objetivo de la reunión fue el de conocer la situación del uso de los herbicidas y los problemas existentes de resistencia adquirida de las malezas a los herbicidas de mayor uso, así como discutir las posibles actividades de seguimiento y cooperación a fin de darle solución a esta problemática a nivel regional. [more]