NSP - Artemisia sieversiana





Common name: Sagebrush. seed. 

Ecol. & Biol: Annual or biennial.

Stem: 30-100 cm tall, many branches, smooth, erect, angled, plants are mat-like before producing flower stalk.

Leaves: alternate, upper leaves sessile, broadly ovate, 1.5 -15 cm long, 2-9 em wide, hairy on both surfaces, divided into 3-5 segments.

Inflorescence: loose panicle, 4-6 mm wide, flower - 0.6-1.2 mm in diameter semispherical

Seeds: oval shaped with flat top, 1.2 min long. Propagation by seed.

Flowering time: July - September.

Distribution: Most serious weed in cropped and uncropped areas. Prefers serni-arid

Closely related weeds: A. macrocephala Jacg., A. mangolica Fisch.

Control measures: In cereals, more rapid and complete germination and early canopy cover and their integration with post-emergence herbicides can help to reduce its infestation. In vegetables, inter-row cultivation, timely earthing up and manual weeding is important. Integrated management involving deep cultivation in April-May followed by herbicide application in June-July can help to reduce its infestation in fallow land.



Countries: Mongolia


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