Agriculture is suffering the consequences of climate change. However, traditional agriculture has the potential to help reduce the effects and impacts of climate change with lower costs and in a shorter time-frame compared with other sectors. The goal should therefore be to lower the emissions from the agricultural sector by 2050, as it accounts for over a third of global greenhouse gas emissions mainly in the form of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) from fertilized soils, enteric fermentation, biomass burning, rice production, as well as manure and fertilizer production. The overall efficiency, resilience, adaptive capacity together with the mitigation potential of the agricultural sector can be enhanced through improving its various components. By improving the efficiency of agriculture productivity and its multiple functions, the emissions can be reduced and sequestration capacity enhanced.
AGP assists member countries to create opportunities that enable farmers to adapt to climate change and contribute to climate mitigation. This is done through technology transfer that empowers landusers to make decisions on better practices to preserve their agro-ecosystems, through capacity building and through policy advice. AGP continues to develop specific projects, and provide a forum for technical discussions and policy advice related to adaptation and mitigation practices.
Recent Activities
First Global Soil Week EC, FAO, UNCCD, UNEP, German Federal Environmental Agency 18 - 22 November 2012, Germany, Berlin