Good Farming Practices for Sustainable Crop Production Intensification
Sustainable crop production intensification can be achieved though good farming practices which follow ecosystem-based approaches designed to improve sustainability of production systems. They aim at meeting consumer needs for products that are of high quality, safe and produced in an environmentally and socially responsible way. Good farming practices that integrate biodiversity and ecosystem management for sustainable crop production intensification are principally applied at a local scale, and refer to agricultural management practices, approaches and technologies that can be used to produce high yields of crop, while maintaining and/or enhancing environmental sustainability. A range of options exist for good farm management practices, approaches and technologies that sustainably manage biological processes to maintain and/or improve the environment, and ensure sustainability, while at the same time improve crop production. Examples include: conservation agriculture, integrated pest management, integrated plant nutrient management and pollination management, amongst others. Examples of good farming practices that integrate biodiversity and ecosystem management for sustainable crop production intensification include: