Discussion Forums on Global Pollination Project Protocols
All Categories > Pollination Deficits > Message from the Moderator > revised description of protocol to assess and detect pollination deficits > revised description of protocol to assess and detect pollination deficits
Author: Barbara Gemmill-Herren
Posted: 21 Jun 10 - 06:28 PM
Subject: revised description of protocol to assess and detect pollination deficits
Dear Colleagues,

Based on our missions to Brazil, India, Nepal, Kenya and now Ghana to revise and field test protocols, we have extensively revised the draft Pollination Deficit Protocol to the conditions in different countries. On this site you will find the revised guidance document to the protocol, the figures to this guidance document in higher resolution than in the document, and the several annexes of datasheets -in pdf and in excel format - for different components of the protocol, tailored to different crops and cropping conditions.

Please do send your comments, to me or to this discussion forum, on the protocol and your experiences in its application.


Barbara Gemmill-Herren
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