Information Resources

Information resources for SCPI




There is a large number of databases and applications managed by FAO that could be relevant to the work on sustainable crop production intensification. The main database of the FAO is FAOSTAT. This database contains information on fishery, forestry, production, prices, countries, resources, food security, prices and trade. The list below contains a number of databases that can be useful for the work on sustianable intensification.



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Locust watch

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Nutrient Response Database

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CA Adoption Worldwide

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The Pollination Information Management System (PIMS)

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Global Forest Resources Assessment

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Global Partnership Initiative for Plant Breeding Capacity Building

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Commercially available organic fertilizers and water retaining products

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Glossary on Integrated Plant Nutrient Management

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Country Pasture Profiles

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Grassland and Pasture/Crop Systems

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ProSoil - Problem Soils

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Grassland Index

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Crop Calendar

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Gridded Livestock of the World database

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HWSD - Harmonized World Soil Database

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SOTER - Global Soil and Terrain Database

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Facilitating Mechanism of the Global Plan of Action

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IES (Irrigation Equipment Supply Database)

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TEMS - Terrestrial Ecosystem Monitoring Sites

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Information Sharing Mechanism on GPA Implementation

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International Phytosanitary Portal

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Food Security Statistics

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IPNIS - Integrated Plant Nutritition Information System

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Wastewater Database

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Forestry Country Profiles

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LADA Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands

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AquaCrop is a crop water productivity model developed by the Land and Water Division of FAO. It simulates yield response to water of herbaceous crops, and is particularly suited to address conditions where water is a key limiting factor in crop production. It uses a relatively small number of explicit and mostly-intuitive parameters and input variables requiring simple methods for their determination. Applications of AquaCrop include: assessing water-limited, attainable crop yields at a given geographical location, comparing the attainable yields against actual yields of a field, farm, or region, to identify the yield gap and the constraints limiting crop production, assessing rainfed crop production on the long term, developing irrigation schedules for maximum production (seasonal strategies and operational decision-making), and for different climate scenarios, scheduling deficit and supplemental irrigation, evaluating the impact of fixed delivery irrigation schedules on attainable yields, simulating crop sequences, carrying out future climate scenario analyses, optimizing a limited amount of water available (economic, equitability, and sustainability criteria), evaluating the impact of low fertility and of water-fertility interactions on yields, assessing actual water productivity (biological and/or economic) at the field and higher scales, up to regions, supporting decision making on water allocation and other water policy actions, and appraising the role of various water-related crop responses in yield determination for ideotype design.


AQUASTAT is FAO's global information system on water and agriculture, managed by the Water Development and Management Unit. It collects analyses and disseminates data and information by country and by region. Its aim is to provide users interested in global, regional and national analyses with comprehensive information related to water resources and agricultural water management across the world, with emphasis on countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. The main country database covers data by country on:

  • Land use and population (from FAOSTAT)
  • Climate and water resources
  • Water use, by sector and by source
  • Wastewater and desalinated water (non-conventional sources of water)
  • Irrigation and drainage
  • Environment and health

In addition to the main country database, there are also other databases, such as:

  • a detailed geo-referenced database on African dams
  • a database on investment cost in irrigation
  • a database on river sediment yields
  • a database on country institutions related to water and agriculture

CA Adoption Worldwide

FAO is monitoring the global adoption of Conservation Agriculture. The data presented above is the result of an ongoing collaboration between FAO’s Conservation Agriculture and AQUASTAT programmes, and presents the latest values available for all countries that report Conservation Agriculture practices. This script automatically displays new data as updates become available and can be considered the most up-to-date repository for global implementation of conservation agriculture.


Climpag is aimed at bringing together the various aspects and interactions between weather, climate and agriculture in the general context of food security. Climpag contains methodologies, tools for a better understanding and analysis of the effect of the variability of weather and climate on agriculture as well as data and maps. The data and maps include Global climate grids (A variety of gridded global climate datasets covering different periods within 1951-2000), Climate data (Global climatic and real-time meteorological stations data from different sources), Climate maps, based on data of mean monthly values of temperature, precipitation and cloudiness, and Spatial interpolation of agroclimatic data aimed at estimating the value of rainfall, temperature, or any other agroclimatic parameter at a given site based on the observations at neighbouring locations.


CLIMWAT is a climatic database to be used in combination with the computer program CROPWAT, and allows the calculation of crop water requirements, irrigation supply and irrigation scheduling for various crops for a range of climatological stations worldwide. CLIMWAT 2.0 offers observed agroclimatic data of over 5000 stations worldwide. CLIMWAT provides long-term monthly mean values of seven climatic parameters, namely: Mean daily maximum temperature, Mean daily minimum temperature, Mean relative humidity, Mean wind speed, Mean sunshine, Mean solar radiation, Monthly rainfall, Monthly effective rainfall, and Reference evapotranspiration calculated with the Penman-Monteith method in mm/day.

Commercially available organic fertilizers and water retaining products

This database contains information on various commercially available organic fertilizers and water-retaining products, as submitted by manufacturers/dealers. The information sheets containing data provided by the producers have been organised into several product types: Organic fertilizers, Organo-mineral fertilizers, Organic amendments and Water-retaining products. Each information sheet is expected to contain the following information: Type of product, Product name, Manufacturer's contact information, Country of production, Product description (content of N-P2O5-K2O and other nutrients, if any), Statement of uses and benefits, rates of application, etc., Product assessment (field results, experimental data with agro-economic interpretation), Price information, and Package size, availability for export, etc.

Country Pasture Profiles

One of the initiatives of the Grassland and Pasture Crops Group is the Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile. This is being developed to make available on the Internet basic information about the pasture and forage resources of countries. Each profile provides a broad overview of relevant general, topographical, climatic and agro-ecological information with focus on livestock production systems and the pasture /forage resource and information concerning key institutions and personnel and their current research interests and selected references.


CountrySTAT is a national statistical information system for food and agriculture. The system harmonizes and integrates data on food and agriculture coming from different sources. Through a core database, policy makers and researchers can group data across thematic areas - such as production, trade and consumption - in order to study relationships and processes. CountrySTAT is gradually being rolled out in many countries. Food and agriculture data from several countries can already be accessed on line. These include: Angola, Bénin, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sénégal, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia 

Crop Calendar

The Crop Calendar provides information about sowing and planting seasons and agronomic practices of the crops grown by farmers in a particular agro-ecological zone. It is a tool developed to assist farmers, extension workers, civil society and the private sector to be able to access and make available quality seeds of specific crop varieties for a particular agro-ecological zone at the appropriate sowing/planting season. It can be used by development-aid workers in the planning and implementation of seed relief and rehabilitation activities following natural or human-led disasters. Furthermore, the Crop Calendar can serve as a quick reference tool in selecting crop varieties to adapt to changing weather patterns accelerated by climate change. The Crop Calendar database is being maintained in three languages at a regional level and is based on inputs from member countries. The Crop Calendar database currently covers 43 African countries and contains information on more than 130 crops, located in 283 agro-ecological zones.


CROPWAT 8.0 for Windows is a computer program for the calculation of crop water requirements and irrigation requirements based on soil, climate and crop data. In addition, the program allows the development of irrigation schedules for different management conditions and the calculation of scheme water supply for varying crop patterns. CROPWAT 8.0 can also be used to evaluate farmers’ irrigation practices and to estimate crop performance under both rainfed and irrigated conditions. The development of irrigation schedules in CROPWAT 8.0 is based on a daily soil-water balance using various user-defined options for water supply and irrigation management conditions. Scheme water supply is calculated according to the cropping pattern defined by the user, which can include up to 20 crops. CROPWAT is compatible with climate data from CLIMWAT.


The program has been designed with relatively basic crop environmental requirements information. This design is chosen because the primary object of the project was to include many species and also include species less well known for which it was not possible to obtain detailed information. The database is designed to facilitate the comparison of 12-20 different environmental requirements across different groups of species or across species of different use and could be used in all agro-ecological settings of the world. Textual information comprising a brief description of the species, its use, synonyms, common names and notes were also included.

Facilitating Mechanism of the Global Plan of Action

The germplasm databases of the GPA offers access to a number (at this moment 42) of international, national and crop-specific germplasm databases. Regarding ex situ conservation of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA), millions of accessions are already stored in hundreds of genebanks around the world for both conservation and utilization purposes. It is possible to find short descriptions about these germplasm databases and links to their websites by searching either by database type or by free text search.


This site has been conceived as a means to compile and store statistics on fertilizer use by crop for selected key years and to make them available on-line. The website includes fertilizer use statistics, which gives the amount of inputs of fertilizer per crop per country.


The Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping Systems helps countries carry out a more careful characterization of the food insecure and vulnerable population groups, improving understanding through cross-sectoral analysis of the underlying causes, and using evidence-based information and analysis to advocate for the formulation and implementation of policies and programmes enhancing food security and nutrition. The website includes links to nutrition and hunger maps, as well as statistics on global food security.

Food Security Statistics

This website contains information on: Food deprivation, Food needs, Food consumption, Food production and trade, Diet composition (including diversification index), Access to food, Food aid, Nutritional status, Health, Poverty, and Population. It also includes country statistics

Forestry Country Profiles

This website offers forest facts and information on forests and forestry, by country, for some 200 countries and areas in the world. Information that is included is: information on the forestry sector, forest policies, institutions and programmes, geography, ecological zones, forest types, species, forest area statistics, growing stock statistics, planted forest, disturbance statistics, protected areas, employment and GDP, values and more.


Global Agro-Ecological Zoning utilizes a land resources inventory to assess, for specified management conditions and levels of inputs, all feasible agricultural land-use options and to quantify expected production of cropping activities relevant in the specific agro-ecological context. The characterization of land resources includes components of climate, soils and landform, which are basic for the supply of water, energy, nutrients and physical support to plants.


This website gives access to soil degradation assessments by country based on the GLASOD survey carried out during the 1980's by UNEP and ISRIC. Data on soil degradation have been linked with population numbers and densities in the mapping units. For each country the extent of each severity class of soil degradation and the associated population numbers (LandScan 2000) in the area mapped are given.


GLiPHA is a highly interactive electronic atlas that provides a scaleable overview of spatial and temporal variation in quantitative information related to animal production and health. Against a back-drop of selected maps of livestock densities, land-use or elevation, sub-national statistics relating to the livestock sector can be mapped, or displayed as tables and charts. The objective of the GLiPHA is to facilitate access to livestock sector information for analysis and informed decision making and to increase awareness of socio-economic, human and animal demographic and health related issues. Data available is related to Biophysical, Livestock population and production, Socio-economic, Animal health and Trade issues.

Global Forest Resources Assessment

By addressing seven broad topics aimed at monitoring progress towards sustainable forest management, the Global Forest Resources Assessments provide valuable information to policy-makers in individual countries, to international negotiations and arrangements related to forests and to the general public. The seven broad topics, also known as the thematic elements of sustainable forest management, are as follows:

1.      Extent of forest resources and their contribution to the global carbon cycle

2.      Forest health and vitality

3.      Forest biological diversity

4.      Productive functions of forests

5.      Protective functions of forests

6.      Socio-economic functions of forests

7.      Legal, policy and institutional framework related to forests

Global Partnership Initiative for Plant Breeding Capacity Building

The website of the GIPB includes five databases: (1) Tree of knowledge - training providers, (2) Plant breeding and related Biotechnology Capacity (PBBC) assessment, (3) Maize sequence: sequence and annotation of the Zea mays ssp. mays genome, (4) Gramene: a resource for comparative grass genomics, and (5) FAO/IAEA mutant germplasm repository. The IAEA/FAO Mutant variety database has recorded more than 2500 mutant varieties of about 180 plant species, together with information about the mutagen and dose used in mutation induction; the main improved character(s), release time, amongst other parameters.  You can search individual mutant varieties, number of mutant varieties in each crop species, or crop varieties developed in a country. Gramene is a curated, open-source, data resource for comparative genome analysis in the grasses. As an information resource, Gramene's purpose is to provide added value to data sets available within the public sector, which will facilitate researchers' ability to understand the rice genome and leverage the rice genomic sequence for identifying and understanding corresponding genes, pathways and phenotypes in other crop grasses.

Glossary on Integrated Plant Nutrient Management

This trilingual on-line glossary, based on the publication "Integrated Nutrient Management-A Glossary of Terms" is intended to extend the access to a wider number of beneficiaries. The various terms and phrases included in this glossary are related directly or indirectly to INM. These cover various aspects of plant nutrition, mineral fertilizers, organic manures, recyclable wastes and biofertilizers. The coverage encompasses the broad disciplines of agronomy, soil science, resource management, plant physiology, microbiology, trade, economics and extension.

Grassland and Pasture/Crop Systems

This website contains links to sites containing databases on Worldwide Grassland, Fodder And Forage. These include the Listing of Plant Name Databases, Purdue University Crop Index, Oregon State University Forage Information System - Index, ECOPORT, Crop-Net, USDA plant database, PROSEA - Plant Resources of South-East Asia, US National Genetic Resources Programme, Funet - database, Grass genera of the world, IDRC - Cover Crops for Sustainable Agriculture, Species database and many more.

Grassland Index

Detailed descriptions of more than 600 grassland species and a linked picture gallery with photos.

Gridded Livestock of the World database

FAO’s Animal Production and Health Division has, in collaboration with the Environmental Research Group Oxford (ERGO) developed the "Gridded Livestock of the World" (GLW). The GLW’s main objective is to produce and distribute contemporary global distribution maps for the main species of livestock. These maps are created through the spatial disaggregation of sub-national statistical data based on empirical relationships with environmental variables in similar agro-ecological zones.


Hortivar is FAO´s database on performances of horticulture cultivars in relation to agro-ecological conditions, cultivation practices, the occurrence of pests and diseases and timing of the production. It covers six categories of horticultural crops: fruits, vegetables, roots and tubers, ornamentals, mushrooms, herbs and condiments.

HWSD - Harmonized World Soil Database

The Land Use Change and Agriculture Program of IIASA (LUC) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have developed a new comprehensive Harmonized World Soil Database (HWSD). Vast volumes of recently collected regional and national updates of soil information were used for this state-of-the-art database. The HWSD is a 30 arc-second raster database with over 16000 different soil mapping units that combines existing regional and national updates of soil information worldwide. The use of a standardized structure allows for the linkage of the attribute data with the raster map to display or query the composition in terms of soil units and the characterization of selected soil parameters (organic Carbon, pH, water storage capacity, soil depth, cation exchange capacity of the soil and the clay fraction, total exchangeable nutrients, lime and gypsum contents, sodium exchange percentage, salinity, textural class and granulometry).

IES (Irrigation Equipment Supply Database)  

IES seeks to establish an up-to-date list of Suppliers/Manufacturers providing irrigation equipment worldwide. Potential beneficiaries of IES are those who need to locate information on irrigation equipment at regional or country level. The website offers a database query facility for identifying Suppliers/Manufactures providing specific irrigation equipment as well as a description of irrigation equipment, a description of standards and links to other related sites.

Information Sharing Mechanism on GPA Implementation

WISH-GPA provides access to National Mechanisms' portals and databases on conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA, established by 64 countries worldwide with the participation and contribution of more than 1,000 public institutions, non-governmental and private organizations, including farmers' associations, from the PGRFA world community that, day by day, conserve, monitor, multiply, improve, exchange and make available these resources essential to our and our planet's life.

International Phytosanitary Portal

The website for the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) contains information that is relevant to the movement of plants and plant products across international boundaries i.e. this is partly relevant to trade, aid and the movement of germplasm. This website contains all information that is relevant to the work programme of the IPPC such as the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs), the glossary for phytosanitary terms, meeting documents and reports.  In addition, it contains the official national information on IPPC contact points, phytosanitary legislation & regulations, pest reports, lists of regulated pests, ports of entry with restrictions and emergency actions. Relevant information related to the Regional Plant Protection Organizations (RPPOs) is also available. The website is available in most FAO languages.

IPNIS - Integrated Plant Nutritition Information System

The Integrated Plant Nutrition Information System, referred to as IPNIS, is a database providing information for a number of countries on crop-wise plant nutrients management at administrative (district) level, supported by relevant data on soil and soil management, agro-ecological zones, and crop production constraints. In this database application, one can find the crops grown at different locations, their yields and cropping practices. More importantly, the actual fertilization practised by the farmers along with the extension service recommendations and research findings can be found, where available. It also provides information on major constraints the farmers are reporting in growing their crops as well as their soil management practices.


The Land Degradation Assessment in drylands project (LADA) develops tools and methods to assess and quantify the nature, extent, severity and impacts of land degradation on dryland ecosystems, watersheds and river basins, carbon storage and biological diversity at a range of spatial and temporal scales. It also builds the national, regional and international capacity to analyse, design, plan and implement interventions to mitigate land degradation and establish sustainable land use and management practices.

Locust watch

A service provided by the Locust and Other Migratory Pests Group to monitor the world-wide locust situation and keep affected countries and donors informed of expected developments.

Nutrient Response Database

The FAO Fertilizer Programme carried out trials and demonstrations on crops in farmer's fields from the 1970's through the 1990s. The purpose of these trials and demonstrations was to determine suitable fertilizer application rates for local crops that are commensurate with farmers' means. The demonstrations and trials differ in design and fertilizer treatment combination. The results of these trials and demonstrations provide information on crop responses to plant nutrients in 32 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The aim of this database is to allow for the extraction of yield data per agro-ecological zone for the main food crops in a specific country. The extracted data enable the estimation of fertilizer input- and crop output ratios for projection of future fertilizer application to support increased crop yield targets. The database can be searched by country, crop, and soil type.

The Pollination Information Management System (PIMS)

The Pollination Information Management System, (PIMS) is being developed through a collaboration between FAO and a number of national level organizations concerned with the conservation and sustainable use of pollination services for sustainable agriculture. The PIMS serves to organize and deliver accurate information on managing pollination services of key crops, globally, to farmers, farm advisors and land managers.


The FAOSTAT PopSTAT module contains timeseries on population and economically active population. The series consist of both estimates and projections for different periods as available from the original sources, namely: Population data from the UN Population Division and the data refers to the UN Revision 2008. Long term series estimates and projects from 1961 to 2050.  Economically active population from the ILO and the data refers to the 5th edition, revision 2008. Long term series estimates and projects from 1980 to 2020.


FAOSTAT provides data on producer prices for crop and livestock products. PriceSTAT, the up-dated price domain, covers data from 1991 onwards for over 130 countries world-wide, representing 97% of the world’s value of production at 1999-2001 International Dollar Prices. The agricultural prices domain covers:

• Annual Producer Prices in Local Currency Units
• Annual Producer Prices in Standard Local Currencies
• Annual Producer Prices in US Dollars


This page presents production of the 20 most important food and agricultural commodities (ranked by value) in a given country for the year indicated. It presents the 20 highest producing countries of a specific food and agricultural commodity for the year indicated. This page also presents the rank of the country amongst all other countries, for each agricultural commodity, for any given year. As such it can be used not just to see where a countries standing is today but can show changes over time. When applicable, International commodity prices are used, to calculate the total value of each commodity produced by each country and subsequently used in the ranking of commodities and countries. The agricultural production domain covers: quantity produced, producer price, value at farmgate, area harvested and the yield per hectare.

ProSoil - Problem Soils

This website contains a database in which it is possible to select a certain soil type, region, country, crop or technology. The database will give data sources with relevant information. When selecting a country, this would mean the database will give publications on the soils in this country. When you would select a crop, the database will look for the effect that soils have on the production of this crop.


REFORGEN gives information on activities related to the conservation, enhancement and utilization of forest genetic resources, by species in each country. Information on institutions is also part of the database. At present, a rather simple system has been developed, covering a limited number of key topics related to conservation and use of forest genetic resources. It is the intention to expand the system gradually to a wider range of topics.


Farmers produce food and fiber using a wide variety of farm practices and management systems that differ by commodity, region, and farm and operator characteristics. The mix of inputs, practices, and technologies used by farmers, when combined with land, labor, and water resources, affects production costs; farm income; and soil, water and air quality. This database includes information on investment, land, water, labour, machinery, fertilizers, and agro-chemicals (pesticides trade and consumption are forthcoming).


A global monitoring system for wheat rust diseases, currently focused on the Ug99 lineage of stem rust. Rust SPORE provides up to date information on disease incidence and the current status of stem rust pathotypes. The site is available in English, Arabic and Russian.

SOTER - Global Soil and Terrain Database

The SOTER - Global Soil and Terrain Database is created to provide sound Soil and Terrain Resources Information on a global scale (1:5 Million). Users: Global and Continental models to simulate food production potentials, climatic change, river flow simulation, livestock distribution, research priorities, land constraint and (very) general land management advice. New updates can be found on the website

TEMS - Terrestrial Ecosystem Monitoring Sites

TEMS, the Terrestrial Ecosystem Monitoring Sites database, is an international directory of sites (named T.Sites) and networks that carry out long-term, terrestrial in-situ monitoring and research activities. The system provides information on the "who, what and where" that can be useful to both the scientific community and policy-makers. GTOS/TEMS has recently completed an agreement with EcoPort RSA aimed at demonstrating the potentiality of a close collaboration between the two systems. EcoPort is a ‘wiki’-like database containing inter-disciplinary information about biodiversity. Individuals can add information such as pictures, documents, links to the “entity” (record) of interest and contribute in this way to create knowledge by integrating data in a communal database. 


The TERRASTAT database gives the land resource potential and constraints statistics at country and regional level. "Potential arable land" includes land presently used for other purposes such as grassland, forests, protected areas, buildings and infrastructure etc. This land is therefore in most cases not available. Note that the proportion potentially arable land presently in use may exceed 100% in (semi) arid regions where irrigation practices are common. The database includes information on major soil constraints, extent of soils without major constraints, deserts and dryland areas, population distribution in deserts and dryland areas, steeplands, land degradation severity, human-induced land degradation due to agricultural activities, land degradation severity and population distribution, and actual and potential available arable land.


The TradeSTAT module provides comprehensive, comparable and up-to-date annual trade statistics by country, region and economic country groups for about 600 individual food and agriculture commodities since 1961. The detailed food and agriculture trade data collected, processed and disseminated by FAO according to the standard International Merchandise Trade Statistics Methodology is mainly provided by the national authorities and other international organizations. The total merchandise trade value by country is annually updated.

Wastewater Database

The Wastewater Database contains information on wastewater production, treatment, re-use, as well as economic information provided by member states. Published data in peer-reviewed papers, workshop/conference/meeting proceedings, and FAO's related databases such as AQUASTAT and FAOSTAT are also included. The Database information is sorted by region and country containing fields on wastewater production, treatment technologies, and economical parameters by country. For each data field, original Reference is available as well as the Data Reference Year which corresponds to the year of data collection, not necessarily the reference publication year.


The World Information and Early Warning System (WIEWS ) on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA), has been established by FAO, as a world-wide dynamic mechanism to foster information exchange among Member Countries, by gathering and disseminating information on PGRFA, and as an instrument for the periodic assessment of the State of the World's PGRFA.  WIEWS presently consists of:

  • A number of relational databases, resulting from direct contributions from Member Countries and from routinely (e.g. World Seed Review; data gathering from publications; etc.) and event-related data collating activities (e.g. Country reports for the IV International Technical Conference on PGR; Regional Meetings; etc.) carried out by AGPS staff;
  • A Global Network of Country Correspondents on PGRFA Information Exchange, officially nominated by the Governments;
  • A repository directory of documents and proceedings

Information resources in AGP

The Plant Production and Protection Division established and maintains the following specific databases/information systems:


Country Pasture Profiles; Crop Calendar; Database on Commercially available organic fertilizers and water-retaining products; Ecocrop; Facilitating Mechanism of the Global Plan of Action; FertiStat; Global Partnership Initiative for Plant Breeding Capacity Building (GIPB); Glossary on Integrated Plant Nutrient Management; Grassland Index; Information Sharing Mechanism on GPA Implementation; International Phytosanitary Portal; IPNIS - Integrated Plant Nutritition Information System; Hortivar; Locust watch; Nutrient Response Database; RustSPORE; and the World Information and Early Warning System (WIEWS).