أحدث المنشورات
ESA Working Paper 03-04
ورقة عمل, 2003
Despite falling per capita incomes in these countries, globalization has probably not led to a deterioration of food security in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Measures of food inadequacy in these countries are significantly lower than...
متاح باللغات: English
Discerning transient from chronic poverty in Nicaragua: measurement with a two period panel data set
ESA Working Paper 03-03
ورقة عمل, 2003
This paper deals with consumption dynamics and its effects on poverty. An econometric model is proposed in which changes in consumption across time are seen as fluctuations around the level of consumption that each family...
متاح باللغات: English
ESA Working Paper 03-02
ورقة عمل, 2003
The present study analyzes the nature of Ukrainian farm debt by investigating whether the debt servicing problem of Ukrainian farms is more of a debt problem or a net income problem. Net income generation appears...
متاح باللغات: English
ESA Working Paper 03-01
ورقة عمل, 2003
Three institutional pillars form the foundations of sustainable financial markets: The existence of a pool of profitable and diverse rural clients with the ability to service loans, well-run financial institutions which are financially self supporting...
متاح باللغات: English
ESA Working Paper 02-15
ورقة عمل, 2002
This paper argues for a twin-track approach to hunger and poverty reduction that combines measures to promote rural development through growth in agriculture and rural off-farm activities with measures to provide direct and immediate access...
متاح باللغات: English
ESA Working Paper 02-14
ورقة عمل, 2002
This paper contains the main results of a FAO study on staple food prices and real wages in Afghanistan during the period 1996-2002, based on information systematically collected weekly by WFP in all major cities...
متاح باللغات: English
ESA Working Paper 02-13
ورقة عمل, 2002
This article explores the role of migrant networks in Mexican rural out-migration focusing on how network composition influences rural-to-rural, rural-to-urban, and rural-to-international migration. Using data from rural Mexico, migration is considered in a multiple-choice context...
متاح باللغات: English
ESA Working Paper 02-12
ورقة عمل, 2002
While Nicaragua over the past decade has ranked among the poorest countries in Latin America in terms of per capita GDP, data from the last three LSMS surveys (1993, 1998, and 2001) has shown a...
متاح باللغات: English
ESA Working Paper 02-11
ورقة عمل, 2002
This paper considers the impact of the nutritional status on the growth rate of real GDP per capita. In particular, a panel of 114 countries’ Dietary Energy Supply (DES) per capita from 1961 to 1999...
متاح باللغات: English
ESA Working Paper 02-10
ورقة عمل, 2002
In this paper, we examine how the design of cash transfer schemes influences household welfare outcomes with particular reference to the influence of transfers on conditioned outcomes, such as schooling, health and investment. We do...
متاح باللغات: English