Matching grant programmes: An effective approach to channel remittances into sustainable investment in agribusiness?
This document summarizes the online consultation “Matching grant programmes: An effective approach to channel remittances into sustainable investment in agribusiness?” held on the FAO Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) from 18 February to 15 May 2022.
This consultation was organized in the context of FAO’s work on supporting countries in developing evidence-based policies and programmes to support migrants and returnees, and their families, in investing remittances in agribusiness – one example being the pilot project “Promoting Inclusive Economic Growth through Matching Grants”, conducted by ESA in Tajikistan. The consultation’s aim was to help further refine the design of such policies and programmes by gathering input from a wide range of stakeholders on the potential of matching grant programmes (MGPs) to stimulate the investment of remittances in the agricultural sector.
The consultation was facilitated by Mauricio Rosales from the Agrifood Economics Division (ESA) of FAO.