Information and analysis in protracted crises. Informing strategies to strengthen resilience
Guidance to implement the framework for action for food security and nutrition in protracted crises (CFS-FFA)
Год: 2016
This note focuses on the topic of Information and analysis in protracted crises, and presents possible interventions and combinations of interventions, based on case studies of FAO interventions in such contexts. Timely, reliable and demand-driven information is essential to dealing with protracted crises. In such contexts, information gaps and information fragmentation are the two major challenges, especially as food security is a multidimensional phenomenon. Food Security Information Systems led by Governments can overcome these challenges, ensuring integrated and coordinated efforts to provide policy-driven data, even in protracted crisis situations. The capacity of national governments to manage such information systems must be developed. Sustainable and coordinated information is required for greater preparedness via early warning systems, strengthening resilience and monitoring impacts. Mobile technologies provide new opportunities particularly interesting in crisis contexts, alongside face-to-face surveys. Standardisation of indicators and analysis processes is essential to build a common understanding of the needs and inform coordinated action. The way ahead, including the use of FAO-backed initiatives, is complex and must be multi-sectoral, involving the innovative use of joint strategies for resilience strengthening.
Тема: Жизнестойкость
Тип публикации: Краткое изложение политики