Publication series
Latest publications
Journal articles, 2010
The emergence of markets for mitigation of climate change presents new opportunities for increasing economic and ecological returns to rangelands in developing countries. Improving rangeland management is a potentially significant source of mitigation from sequestration....
Available in:English
Journal articles, 2010
World cereal prices have been increasing substantially since 2003. Until 2008, the Asian countries examined in this paper (Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam) had generally been able to contain domestic...
Available in:English
Journal articles, 2010
The success of Mexico's conditional cash transfer programme (Progresa) has sparked a wave of similar programmes across the developing world, and the highly successful social experiment in Progresa has created demand for experimental evaluations among...
Available in:
Journal articles, 2010
A Bayesian model averaging approach to the estimation of lag structures is introduced and applied to assess the impact of (R&D) on agricultural productivity in the United States from 1889 to 1990. Lag and structural...
Available in:English
Journal articles, 2010
Data from farmer-managed fields have not been used previously to disentangle the impacts of daily minimum and maximum temperatures and solar radiation on rice yields in tropical/subtropical Asia. We used a multiple regression model to...
Available in:English
Evidence from the Caribbean and the Pacific
Journal articles, 2010
The paper analyses agricultural risks and risk management in selected Small Island Developing States which are part of the African Caribbean Pacific country group. Focus is on the value chains of fruits, vegetables and spices....
Available in:English
Journal articles, 2010
Partant du constat que les initiatives d’intégration régionale centrées sur l’agriculture se sont multipliées ces dernières années en Afrique, l’article s’intéresse aux principaux facteurs pouvant expliquer le faible niveau de mise en oeuvre des politiques...
Available in:English
Journal articles, 2010
This paper uses a newly constructed cross-country database composed of comparable income aggregates to examine the full range of income generating activities carried out by rural households. The analysis paints a clear picture of multiple...
Available in:English
Journal articles, 2010
This paper uses a duration analysis based on adoption data spanning 25 years from six communities in the Central Highlands of Guatemala to explore how household characteristics and external trends play into both the adoption...
Available in:English
Return migration and business ownership in Albania
Journal articles, 2009
This study uses data from the 2005 Albania Living Standards Measurement Study survey to assess the impact of past migration experience of Albanian households on non-farm business ownership through instrumental variables regression techniques. Considering the...
Available in:English