Агропродовольственная экономика

Аналитические записки Отдела экономики сельскохозяйственного развития по вопросам политики, ФАО

About the series (ISSN 2520-6540)

The FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Briefs series covers policy messages and recommendations from across the Agricultural Development Economics Division focusing on different themes, such as food security and nutrition global trends and governance; food security and resilience; sustainable markets, agribusinesses and rural transformations; and climate-smart agriculture

Краткое изложение политики, 2020
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 31. In the face of intensifying water constraints, growing demand for water and worsening inequalities in access to it, water accounting and auditing are crucial enabling factors for improved...
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Краткое изложение политики, 2020
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 30. North Macedonia’s ambition to join the European Union (EU) makes it necessary to reform the agricultural sector, such that it aligns with the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)....
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Краткое изложение политики, 2020
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 29. Coffee is one of the key agricultural commodities in the Government of Uganda’s pursuance of economic growth and job creation, especially for the rapidly expanding youth population. A...
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Краткое изложение политики, 2020
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 28. This policy brief analyses some of the key agricultural public expenditure programs in Burkina Faso. It makes recommendations on levels and policy mixes that, based on the analysis,...
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Краткое изложение политики, 2020
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 27. This brief explores the evidence on the relationships between food aid transfers and investments in climate adaptive agriculture using data from Ethiopia, Malawi and United Republic of Tanzania....
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Краткое изложение политики, 2020
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 26. In Bosnia and Herzegovina wheat is a key staple, yet domestic production is small and low quality. Current policy environment tends to disadvantage wheat producers and makes them...
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Краткое изложение политики, 2020
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 25. Over the last 20 years, the Government of Uganda has implemented several policies to promote investments in commercial forest plantations. As a result of these policy efforts, the...
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FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 24
Краткое изложение политики, 2020
Notwithstanding an increasing demand for their derived products, roots and tubers value chains in Africa remain loose, fragmented and informal, and many market opportunities remain unexploited. Some encouraging new investment initiatives in roots and tubers...
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FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 23
Краткое изложение политики, 2020
Even if roots and tubers are generally tolerant to poor soils and droughts, they can be affected by climate variability and change. In order to address climate risks, value chains’ actors require timely and accurate...
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FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 22
Краткое изложение политики, 2020
It is projected that climate change will affect rainfall patterns in South Asia and will contribute to a decline in water availability for rice cultivation in the region. In Sri Lanka, where rice is both...
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