Corporación Universitaria del Meta (UNIMETA)
The institution is headquartered in the city of Villavicencio. It was the first institution of higher education founded in the region with the purpose of creating an imprint for those generations of “llaneros” who welcomed the Corporación Universitaria del Meta-UNIMETA as their alma mater. In addition, it has several schools in all fields of knowledge: Schools of Administrative Sciences, Law and Social Sciences, Engineering, Architecture and Graphic Design Technology and has, additionally, the departments of MEUM and Basic Sciences, the Language Center and the Conciliation Center, the Legal Clinic and the Radio and Television Workshop.
Its Founder and Rector for 30 years, Dr. Rafael Mojica García, created the Educational Method of the University of Meta (MEUM), through which the socio-humanistic component was incorporated into all programs from the beginning.
Its Founder and Rector for 30 years, Dr. Rafael Mojica García, created the Educational Method of the University of Meta (MEUM), through which the socio-humanistic component was incorporated into all programs from the beginning.