Search and Browse
1. Does AGRIS provide full texts of the resources?
AGRIS doesn’t host the full text of records, but it provides links to the full text if the data provider has this information in the metadata. In most cases, AGRIS bibliographic records have a link to the full text on the top right of the page of an individual record.
2. How can I access the full text of a resource?
Once you find a record in AGRIS and click on the title, you will see “Access the full text” on the top right of the page of an individual record. If the full text is available, there will be clickable links under this text. However, when the records are prior to 2010, we cannot guarantee that access to full texts is available. If the full text is not available, please click on the “Lookup at Google Scholar” button to see whether it is available through another platform.
3. What if I can’t access the full text of the resource in AGRIS?
If the full text is not available, the first option is to click on the “Lookup at Google Scholar” button to see whether it is available through another platform. If the full text is not available through Google Scholar, please contact the data provider who submitted the bibliographic record to AGRIS in the first place. The name of the data provider is displayed on top of the page of each record. Another way to access the full text is by using the interlibrary loan service provided by the library at your own organization. Please note that this service depends on the organization where you work or study.
4. Can I search the AGRIS database in my own language?
Yes, since AGRIS is multilingual, with records available in over 90 languages. Additionally, the multilingual AGROVOC thesaurus, which is embedded in the AGRIS database, helps to find relevant keywords in other languages that can then be used to search the database.
5. How can I use the AGROVOC thesaurus to expand the search?
AGROVOC, a multilingual thesaurus covering all areas of interest to the FAO, is embedded in AGRIS. For every search result, AGRIS lists the “Top 10 AGROVOC keywords for this result set” on the left. This helps you to identify relevant terms and other search results in AGRIS. Additionally, the Advanced Search interface allows you to refine search results by AGROVOC keyword.
6. How can I export the results of my search?
After you run your search query and receive the results, please click on the Advanced Search option. At the bottom on the left, where you see the result sets, you will see “Save top 500 records as” with the options of exporting results in the following formats: AGRIS AP, CSV, RIS and EndNote (XML).
7. Is the metadata in AGRIS open and downloadable?
AGRIS data providers are not obligated to share their metadata under an open licence, but it is strongly recommended that they do so. AGRIS metadata is available for reuse only if the data providers have opted in to the AGRIS open dataset (ODS). The AGRIS ODS is licensed under CC BY 3.0 IGO and is downloadable as a zip file in different formats, including AP and RDF formats. More information about AGRIS ODS can be found on this page.