Key Results and Recommendations of the Agroecology Dialogue Series "Beyond the farm: Exploring the synergies between agroecology and conservation communities"
This paper presents five main messages and key recommendations of a dialogue that explored opportunities and limitations of agroecology to address conservation needs beyond the farm. The messages hereby presented look beyond classical on-farm conservation approaches (e.g. conservation of local crop varieties and crop wild relatives) and focus instead on the contributions of agroecology to mitigate species decline and ecosystem degradation at the landscape scale. This although important is less explicitly recognized within existing narratives of agroecology or conservation communities. The paper identifies concrete pathways to increase synergies between agroecology and biodiversity conservation communities for food system transformation through policy reform, knowledge creation, investment, and change of practices.
This dialogue and emerging messages aim to support and feed into the Coalition for Food Systems Transformation through Agroecology (Agroecology Coalition) and to contribute to the emergence of a broader framework on multiple pathways to food systems transformation. Its findings reflect the diverse backgrounds, opinions, and areas of expertise of dialogue participants, and are not intended to reflect the opinions of the organizing institutions.