European Organic Congress
IFOAM EU is an independent regional group within the IFOAM Organics International that contributes to shaping and implementing Community agricultural, environmental, health and consumer policies and regulation in a number of ways. In addition, advocates for the development and integrity of European organic food and farming and fight for the adoption of ecologically, socially and economically sound systems based on the principles of organic agriculture – health, ecology, fairness and care.
With more than 180 member organisations from the EU-28, the EU accession countries and EFTA, our work spans the entire organic food chain and beyond: from farmers and processors, retailers, certifiers, consultants, traders and researchers to environmental and consumer advocacy bodies.
The Congress aims to fuel the discussion on the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy and how the latter can contribute to healthy farms, a healthy food sector, and a healthy society. The audience will be invited to engage in an analysis of the possible synergies between the EU, its Member States, regions and cities, with reference to the development of a new organic action plan.
Furthermore, they will look at the impact of emerging technologies, such as Internet of Things and Big Data, and at innovative solutions on the efficiency and evolution of the organic sector, by providing concrete examples and expertise of representatives from the agri-food sector. A wide range of panelists will discuss the influence of innovation and technology on agricultural legislation and organic issues through a European governance approach.
The revision of the post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) will be discussed launching questions like if the CAP’s new Green Architecture can work for the benefit of farmers consumers and rural communities. How can organic farmers contribute towards a the CAP objectives under the policy’s New Delivery Model? Can Europe do more with less budget to support its farmers and what can be done about it?
Moreover, it will be explored the possibility for a new organic action plan for 2020-2027, how it could contribute to the priorities of the next Commission, as well as the linkages needed between the EU, the national, the regional and the city level, in order for this action plan to be easily implementable and efficient, forward-looking in terms of the development of organics in Europe, as well as making the most of the benefits of organic farming for the environment and fairer food systems.
Join the high-level discussion with national ministries, European Commission officials, representatives of civil society and farmers.