Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Proposals to strengthen agroecological consumption networks in the post-confinement era

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, several initiatives have emerged or been reformulated in response to the challenge of the human food system. An important challenge now is to consolidate a cultural transition towards the consumption of locally produced healthy food. Thus, shifting to healthy and sustainable food systems with agroecological or local products is a potential solution. In Catalonia, several collective initiatives of short marketing circuits have been registered, which are those that hold, at a maximum, an intermediary between the final product and the consumer or between the supplier and the producer. In Catalonia, some examples of pre-COVID-19 are the distributor and agroecological shop Mengem Bages or Mengem Osona, an association of producers with private small businesses. But many initiatives have also been created or reactivated during the crisis; this is the case of the Xarxa agroalimentària de la Cerdanya, Fet a la conca or Del Parc al Plat, among others. 

It is necessary to keep agroecological markets alight, which continue to be alternatives to the mainstream food model. As mentioned in the Sowing Transformation report, the alliance between the solidarity economy and the agroecological movement can be one of the keys to consolidating an economic model that recovers food sovereignty and makes societies more resistant to the times ahead.

Year: 2020
Geographical coverage: European Union (European Union)
Content language: Spanish
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Type: Article

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