Webinar ‘’ Understanding Soil Health’’ on 7 April 2022
Part one of the series on "Healthy Soil - Healthy Planet" of Soil Food Web School explores some of the many benefits that regenerating soils can have on the rest of the planet and on humans in a dialogue between Dan Kittredge, Dr. Stephan Van Vliet, Didi Pershouse, Dr. Elaine Ingham and Dr. Adam Cobb.
The way people interact with the living skin of the earth is fundamental to the health of the world and everything that lives on it. Modern farming techniques, deforestation and the use of chemicals have degraded soils all over the world to the extent that the survival of some species is now under threat.
Farmers and scientists have been exploring alternative methods over the last four decades and today, the Regenerative Movement offers solutions to many of the biggest problems facing humanity, such as ecosystem collapse, soil erosion, pollution and climate change.