Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Policy Brief: Creating agricultural landscapes with positive environmental outcomes

Agroecology is globally recognized as an approach that balances food security, economic development, and environmental sustainability, making it a viable alternative to the industrialization of agriculture in the Mekong Region. With a focus on creating more sustainable food systems—from producers to consumers—agroecology addresses environmental, economic, and social dimensions of sustainability.

This policy brief outlines the current knowledge of agroecological practices in the Mekong Region, assessesing solutions targeted at ecosystem services, and explores how these initiatives can contribute to gender equality and the transformation of agricultural systems. A meta-analysis of 271 publications provides insights into agroecological efforts aimed at restoring ecosystem functions and promoting environmentally positive agricultural landscapes.

Year: 2024
Content language: English
Author: Agroecology and Safe Food System Transitions ,
Type: Policy brief/paper

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