Plateforme des connaissances sur l'agroécologie

Agroecology in China: 300% Increase on 8.6 Million Acres - Loess Plateau

Large, decimated ecosystems can be restored. Bringing large areas back from environmental ruin is possible, and the results are key to stabilizing the earth's climate, eradicating poverty and making sustainable agriculture a reality. Under the guidance of a few people who have knowledge and vision, local uneducated rural poor can to restore empty, degraded ecosystems transforming them into fertile, life-sustaining environments which enable people to break free from entrenched poverty. This is the simple application of Agricultural Natural Technology Solutions and Permaculture Design principles, such as earthworks, water harvesting, soil building, creating biodiversity.

The area of restoration on the Loess Plateau in China is the size of Belgium and thousands of years of subsistence farming had made it barren and infertile. In 1995 the Chinese Government, with support from The World Bank, took drastic action to rehabilitate the plateau, and local people -- seen as both perpetuators and victims of the devastation -- became part of the solution. They completely transformed 8.6 million acres of wasteland into hyper-productive land. This caused a 300% increase in agricultural income and enabled millions of local family farmers to break free from entrenched poverty.

Année: 2012
Pays: China
Couverture géographique: Asie et le Pacifique
Texte intégral disponible à l'adresse:
Langue: English
Author: Food Abundance International ,
Type: vidéo
