Центр знаний об агроэкологии

Mapa da Agroecologia

The Map of Agroecology Knowledge and Practice is a technological platform that allows the mapping and exchange of Agroecological experiences in order to bring people (in every nook and cranny, from the countryside to the city), to strengthen, and create new networks of collaboration that enhance the sharing of real (and imaginary) experiences.

From the settlement, quilombos, small landowners, through urban gardens, going far beyond, planting ideas (and dreams) to reap well-being, sustainability and preservation.

This is an action that emerged during the preparation of the 10th Brazilian Congress of Agroecology, the 6th Latin American Congress of Agroecology and the 5th Agroecology Seminar of the Federal District and Surroundings, held in Brasília / DF, from September 12 to 15. 2017. This proposal was presented during the meeting where more than 150 experiences were registered.

The Agroecology Map is Free Software, meaning that all source code (knowledge), besides its data, is free and can be (re) used and shared freely. We believe that the Free Software movement's ideals of building "Socially Fair, Economically Viable and Technologically Sustainable" technology are in perfect synergy with the many ideas and practices of Agroecology.

Год: 2019
Географический охват: Латинской Америки и Карибского бассейна
Полный текст: https://mapadaagroecologia.org/
Язык контента: Brazilian Portuguese
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Категория: Веб-сайт

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