Towards a Just Recovery from the COVID-19 Crisis: The urgent struggle for food sovereignty in North Africa
This study, which builds on the analysis carried out by North African Network for Food Sovereignty (NAFSN) and others, examines the intersections between Covid-19 and food systems across the North African region. It looks at how the dominant ‘food security' paradigm increased vulnerability to the economic dislocation wrought by the pandemic. It examines the impacts of Covid-19, particularly on (rural) working people and small-scale food producers, and how governments across the region responded to these challenges. Finally, it offers a pathway out of this moment of crisis rooted in models of food sovereignty and economic justice.
发布者: Transnational Institute –
年份: 2021
地理范围: 近东及北非
内容语言: English
Author: Ali Amouzai, Sylvia Kay
类别: 报告
Organization: TNI