Центр знаний об агроэкологии

Territorialized Food Systems

The processes of agrarian and food transition towards sustainable food systems are constructed by including a territorial perspective. Whether they are called "short circuits" or "territorialized systems", the initiatives that enter into these transitions reconnect production with consumption and facilitate -and encourage- a collaboration between spaces and sectors. They are often linked to agroecological experiences and generate employment. Convinced of the multiple benefits of incorporating the territorial approach, in climatic, social and economic terms among others, the Foundation has been supporting several projects working along these lines since 2014. For this reason, between 2018 and 2019, we have brought together 22 "territorialized food systems" projects from both countries, so that together they can analyze their experiences and extract the lessons learned. The result of this systematization process is our first "Carasso Notebook" on sustainable food. This compilation of common learning is completed by detailed project sheets that provide the technical elements highlighted in each process and by videos of some of the experiences. 

Год: 2019
Страна/страны: France, Spain
Язык контента: Spanish
Категория: Тематическое исследование

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