Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Agreocology definitions

Agroecology has been defined in many ways, in many places, and by many different stakeholders. Since the 1920s, scientist and researchers have used the term agroecology to refer to the application of ecological principles to agriculture. However, it was not until the early-1980s that the discipline of "agroecology" was named by ecologists, agronomists and ethnobotanists.
Because of this wide spectrum of different applications and understandings of the term agroecology, FAO has organized a database of definitions. FAO is collecting various definitions of agroecology from published documents, authored by scientists, civil society, academia, governments, legal documents and policies, among other sources.

This database shows how diverse agroecology can be. Yet it also demonstrates that different definitions use and share common elements, adjusted to the local circumstances. These common elements are captured by FAO in its framework on agroecology.

FAO’s framework of 10 elements on agroecology is derived from the common principles articulated for agroecology, including a combination of bio-physical and socio-economic elements that are grounded in the three pillars of sustainable development – the social, the economic and the environmental. Different elements may come into play in various configurations, with a strong blend of social, economic and environmental aspects.

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Como práctica, la agroecología propone el diseño y manejo sostenible de los agroecosistemas con criterios ecológicos (Altieri 1995, Gliessman, 2002) a través de formas de acción social colectiva y propuestas de desarrollo participativo que impulsan formas de producción y comercialización de alimentos y demás productos agroganaderos que contribuyen a dar...
Agroecology is defined as the study of the interactions between plants, animals, humans and the environment within agricultural systems. Agroecology as a discipline therefore covers integrative studies within agronomy, ecology, sociology and economics.
Agroecology is a science that draws on social, biological and agricultural sciences and integrates these with traditional knowledge and farmer's knowledge.
The Science of Agroecology is defined as the application of ecological concepts and principles to the design and management of sustainable agroecosystems.
La agroecología es una disciplina que provee los principios ecológicos básicos para estudiar, diseñar y manejar agroecosistemas que sean productivos y conservadores de los recursos naturales, y que también sean culturalmente sensibles, socialmente justos y económicamente viables.La agroecología puede describirse como un enfoque que integra ideas y métodos de varios...
The Science of Agroecology is defined as the application of ecological concepts and principles to the design and management of sustainable agroecosystems.
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