Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Mexico holds the Agroecology Performance Tool Workshop

13/12/2019 - 

On 6-8 November, FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, in collaboration with colleagues from the Plan Production and Protection Division (AGP) and the Animal Production and Health Division (AGA) and the McKnight Foundation have organized a regional workshop in Mexico City in order to introduce the Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation (TAPE) to key partners


The workshop brought together 40 delegates from government, research, academia and CSO from 16 countries of Latin America. Awareness was raised in regards to the work carried out by FAO on Agroecology. The workshop aimed to train the participants in the use of the tool and thus to contextualize the tool with their experiences. Feedbacks and engagement from participants were constructive, and several follow up activities have been identified. The workshop was completed by a field trip to Chinampas located outside Mexico City. Amongst others, pilots in Mexico, Nicaragua, Cuba, Colombia and Peru are likely to start in the coming months. Eventually to engage the participants in its commitments to contribute to the progress of the tool and to produce more evidence.


Photo credit: Sergio Larrea