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Learn about the FAO Strategic Framework 2022-2031
Hybrid event: The Status of Women in Agrifood Systems
Hybrid Event, 28/04/2023

FAO has presented a global report on the status of women in agrifood systems, which proposes, reviews, and analyzes the opportunities and limitations of women in economic and social processes, while also providing a balance and evaluation of progress made in closing gender gaps. Additionally, it provides compelling examples of policies and programs, with a review of what has worked and specific recommendations geared towards action.
In order to share the report's results and identify the implications of these on the work of empowering rural women in Latin America and the Caribbean, Benjamin Davis, Director of Inclusive Rural Transformation and Gender Equality Division of the FAO, will present the report's findings. Afterwards, governments, civil society, and UN system agencies will be invited to comment on the challenges involved in advancing gender equality in the region's agrifood systems.
The Webinar will be held at the Auditorium located at the FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3241, Vitacura, as well as at the FAO representations' offices in Latin America and the Caribbean. Additionally, the Webinar will be livestreamed by FAO Americas on YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. The Webinar will feature simultaneous translation from Spanish to English, French, and Portuguese.
Live Broadcasting
Ricardo Rivera
Comunicador de la Iniciativa Regional Sociedades rurales prósperas e inclusivas
Oficina Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe
Constanza Soudy
Asistente de comunicaciones para Pueblos Indígenas y Género. Av. Dag Hammarskjöld #3241, Vitacura, Santiago de Chile.
Regional Representative

Regional Representative
Mr. Mario Lubetkin has been Assistant Director General and FAO Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean since 1 August, 2022.
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