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Regional Launch of the report timber traceability: A Management tool for governments case studies from Latin America
Hybrid Event, 20/06/2022

There are growing demands for tropical timber-producing countries to develop national timber traceability systems. In response, many countries have made considerable efforts to develop national systems that track timber flow from producer through processing to the point of sale and the final consumer. The resulting systems employ a range of different approaches and tools to do this.
The report, “Timber Traceability: A Management Tool for Governments. Case Studies from Latin America”, draws from experiences in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama and Peru, and offers a range of experiences, lessons, best practices, and recommendations for planning and implementing government-led timber traceability systems.
This document, carried out by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the FAO-EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Programme, stresses that a high level of political will and support, a solid legal and regulatory framework, and enough financial support, including from national governments and international organizations, are among the key ingredients for the successful implementation of traceability systems.
About the webinar
The launch will include a panel of technical experts from 3 countries in Latin American, where the main conclusions and recommendations of the report will be presented and the challenges and opportunities for improvement will be discussed.
Present the joint report of WRI and the FAO-EU FLEGT Programme called “Timber Traceability: A Management Tool for Governments. Case Studies from Latin America”.
It is expected to have the participation of professionals from the countries of the Latin American region, representatives of governments and civil society, as well as members of the forestry community.
A general presentation introducing the national traceability systems highlighted in the report, followed by a dialogue between the panelists and the moderator, based on a series of questions to the panelists (round of 3 questions).
The panel will be held through Zoom, in Spanish, with simultaneous translation in English, and will be broadcast through the open channels of FAO, website www.fao.org/americas, FAO YouTube and regional Twitter @FAOAmericas.
Luis Siney - National Forest Institute (INAB), Guatemala.
Edgar Mora - Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADS), Colombia.
Scarleth Bautista - Forest Conservation Institute (ICF), Honduras.
Timber traceability – A management tool for governments
Case studies from Latin America.
Karina DeInnocenti
Communication Specialist
Regional Representative

Regional Representative
Mr. Mario Lubetkin has been Assistant Director General and FAO Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean since 1 August, 2022.
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