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Shoring up: linking social protection and early warning systems for the fisheries sector
Hybrid Event, 22/06/2023
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Dear Colleagues
It is our pleasure to invite you to attend the upcoming webinar, Shoring Up: Linking Social Protection and Early Warning Systems for the Fisheries Sector. This webinar focuses on how social protection can improve the design and delivery of targeted and more cohesive climate responses and poverty reduction efforts for the fisheries sector. It includes some preliminary results from a new global database and supportive tools and knowledge resources.
Small-scale fisheries (SSF) based in coastal communities around the world are facing unprecedented increases in the frequency and severity of acute and sub-acute climate shocks and slower-onset stressors. Interlinked with this are challenging social dimensions that inhibit efforts to build resilience, including socio-economic vulnerability and limited access to services (e.g. healthcare and social protection). Urgent action is needed as the livelihoods of millions of small-scale fishers are at risk, along with the food security of millions of people who rely on fish as a primary source of protein. Social Protection is an essential tool in addressing this climate-poverty nexus, and linkages with Early Warning Systems are key to improving preparedness and reducing vulnerability (FAO, 2022).
Speakers will include:
- Angélica María Jácome Daza, Director, FAO Office of SIDS, LDCs, and LLDCs
- Daniella Salazar Herrera, Fisheries Officer (Social Protection), FAO
- Ian S. Horsford (Caribbean SIDS), Menka Vansant (African SIDS), and Vijay Naidu (Pacific SIDS), Research Associates with the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
- Patrick McConney, Senior Lecturer, Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies, University of the West Indies (CERMES/UWI)
The event will be live streamed, will be held in English, and it can be followed exclusively online.
Live Broadcast
- The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022.Towards Blue Transformation
- FAO's work on social protection for the fisheries sector
- Strengthening coherence between social protection and fisheries policies: Framework for Analysis and Action
- Strengthening coherence between social protection and fisheries policies. Diagnostic tool
- FAO's free self-paced course - Addressing the Climate Change and Poverty Nexus
- Socioeconomic impact evaluation of unemployment insurance for small-scale fishers in Brazil (Seguro-Defeso)
- Evaluation of the impact of unemployment insurance on the socioeconomic conditions of small-scale fishers
- Webinar on Social Protection for Sustainable Blue Food Systems
Related links
- Learn about FAO's free courses in Latin America and the Caribbean here
- Find out more about the self-paced course “Addressing the Climate Change and Poverty Nexus” here
- Read more about FAO's work on social protection for the fisheries sector here
- Follow the broadcast on FAO Americas Twitter feed
- A certificate of attendance will be awarded at the end of the event
Related video
A recent webinar session on Social Protection for Sustainable Blue Food Systems
If you have any questions, please contact us at
Alison MacNaughton
Fisheries Consultant NFIFL
Virginie Matterne
Communication Specialist ESP
Regional Representative
Regional Representative
Mr. Mario Lubetkin has been Assistant Director General and FAO Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean since 1 August, 2022.
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