Countries in the region continue dialogue on technologies to modernize land administration and regularization

Santiago, September 15th 2022 – Following the presentation of practical experiences in the development of technological systems and tools to modernize processes of regularization and allocation of rural and agricultural land in the region, on 28 September the first session of the II Cycle of exchanges of experiences: Technological solutions for land administration will be held, with support from the Brazil-FAO International Cooperation Programme, through the project “Support for the strengthening of responsible governance of tenure in Latin America and the Caribbean”.
The activity will be held virtually via the Zoom platform, with simultaneous interpretation in English, Spanish and Portuguese (register here). It is aimed at officials of land institutes in the region and other public institutions linked to land and natural resource governance, representatives of non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, indigenous and farmer-based organizations, research centres and universities linked to land governance, and international organizations.
The project is jointly implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Brazilian Cooperation Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (ABC/MRE) and the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA) as part of the process of implementing the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security. Its objective is to improve the governance of land tenure in the countries of the region through the adoption of innovative mechanisms in land administration systems.
Pedro Boareto, coordinator of the project on behalf of FAO, explained that this second cycle of exchanges seeks to “continue identifying tools and technological solutions for land administration that can be replicated in various countries in our region”. He also emphasized that it is an opportunity to generate new knowledge and skills among professionals working in land institutes and other strategic partners linked to the governance of land and natural resources in Latin America and the Caribbean. The second session of the second cycle of exchanges will be held on 3 November.
Experiences of Brazil and Colombia
For this first session, concrete experiences from Brazil and Colombia will be presented. A practical demonstration will be provided of the operation of Brazil’s Territorial Governance Platform (PGT), highlighting the progress made in the interoperability and automation of land regularization processes.
The Colombian experience will address the development of free software tools to optimize the collection of property information in the large-scale interventions of Rural Property Social Management processes.
First cycle
The first cycle, which was conducted between August and October 2021, sought to offer a vision of the issue within the regional context, contributing to the identification of measures and solutions with potential for replicability in the different countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.