FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

FAO Regional Conference brings together all the Ministers of Agriculture of Latin America and the Caribbean to promote a great transformation


October 20, 2020 - More than 2,700 people participated in the process that gave rise to the work plan that the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is presenting to its member states during the FAO Regional Conference, which today began its second day (follow it live).

During his inaugural speech, FAO’s Regional Representative, Julio Berdegué, pointed out that this process identified three widely shared concerns: “We must move towards agri-food systems that provide healthy and nutritious food for all, towards a prosperous and inclusive rural world, without poverty and with opportunities, and ensure environmental sustainability and climate mitigation, adaptation and resilience ”.

The Prime Minister of Haiti, Joseph Jouthe, pointed out that additional resources are urgently required at the regional level, “which can be mobilized through the FAO Technical Cooperation Program, in order to meet the growing needs of the States”, hard-hit by the pandemic.

“We cannot continue to coexist with hunger, overweight and wasting. Not only because it is an injustice but because it is a luxury we cannot afford”, said the vice president of Ecuador, María Alejandra Muñoz, during the Conference.

The Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Food of Guatemala, José Ángel López, said that “Guatemala welcomes the priorities FAO proposes. We will prioritize the availability and access to food, the incorporation of technology for production and marketing, and links with markets.”

The Conference not only establishes the priorities of the Organization in the region, but also allows Latin America and the Caribbean to share its viewpoints for FAO’ new global strategic framework, currently in preparation.

“It is important that the strategic framework considers the key role of international trade to guarantee food security. The promotion of open and transparent food systems is essential to improve access to food for the most vulnerable people,” said Antonio Walker, Minister of Agriculture of Chile.

Indar Weir, Minister of Agriculture and Food Security of Barbados, noted that, “We must recognize the importance of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in all our conversations." Aware of this, in January 2020, FAO created a new Office for Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Landlocked Developing Countries (LDP).

Michael Pintard, Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources of the Bahamas, noted that “COVID19 has affected our tourism and financial services. Unemployment has grown and we have established an emergency food program.”

Healthy and nutritious food available to everyone

According to the FAO, by 2050, world demand for food will increase by 50 percent, but the region must transform the food system to meet the demand for safe, diverse and healthy products: that is the first priority that FAO presented to its Member states.

“Our region is the world's largest net food exporter. But it is not just about producing more; we must improve trade and expand access to better markets, especially for family farming, artisanal fishing and food SMEs,”said Berdegué.

According to FAO, there is no hunger and malnutrition in the region due to lack of food, but rather due to poverty and inequalities: “In this region it is too cheap to eat badly, and it is the most expensive place to eat healthily,” said Berdegué.

A rural world without poverty

Renato Alvarado, Minister of Agriculture of Costa Rica, highlighted the role that rural development can play in the post-pandemic world: “The economic reactivation will come from the countryside and will be a priority sector to move forward.”

“The agricultural sector is called to play a priority role in overcoming the pandemic. All countries must establish policies to strengthen it,” added the Minister of Agricultural Development of Panama, Augusto Valderrama.

Achieving prosperous and inclusive rural societies is the second major axis of the program that FAO presented to the Conference: “A rural world with opportunities, for all. Because the countryside is not just for food production. It is also a source of tourism, fresh water, landscapes, biodiversity, clean energy and tourism”, said Berdegué in his opening speech.

To eradicate rural poverty, FAO proposes a multidimensional strategy - the Hand in Hand Initiative - focused on the countries and territories that are lagging behind and with special attention to rural women, family farmers, and indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants.

"The Hand in Hand program is a proactive response to find a way out of the structural crisis caused by the COVID19 pandemic, a crisis that has generated profound discussion on the state of agriculture throughout the world,” said the Vice President of El Salvador, Félix Ulloa.

Environmental adaptation as a driver of innovation

"Reducing the environmental and climate footprint of regional agriculture can be a driver of innovation, new investments, new and better jobs, and more space for family farming and rural SMEs," said Berdegué regarding the third priority area that FAO presented the Conference.

Floyd Green, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries of Jamaica, and Vice President of the FAO Conference, noted that: “We ask FAO to support us to incorporate climate-smart technologies in the region and also agricultural insurance so that producers can tackle climate change". Carlos Maria Uriarte, Minister of Agriculture of Uruguay, pointed out that the region must turn "towards an economically profitable, socially responsible and environmentally regenerative agriculture."

Innovation at the heart of food and agriculture

"We propose to promote digital innovation as a transversal axis of FAO's action, support national innovation systems, and facilitate the active participation of the countries of the region in the International Platform for Digital Food and Agriculture,” said Berdegué.

In this regard, Peter Phillips, Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security of Barbados, said that, “FAO's support will be essential to facilitate the transfer of technologies and knowledge that promote competitive and sustainable value chains."

To sum effort, create alliances

Julio Berdegué explained that FAO will seek to strengthen its collaboration with civil society, science and academia and with parliamentarians, sayind that “we will make a special effort to close the deficit that we have in our collaboration with the private sector."

Limber Cruz López, Minister of Agriculture of the Dominican Republic pointed out that, “We must take advantage of the digital age and unite governments, farmers, the private sector, markets and the scientific world. We have to pay more attention to public-private partnerships ”.