FAO and Argentina together to fight hunger and promote food security globally
26 November 2020, Rome/Buenos Aires – FAO Director-General, QU Dongyu, and the President of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, today signed a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at strengthening collaboration on eradicating hunger and achieving food security in Argentina and in the world.
Referring to his previous meeting with the Argentinian President in February 2020, Qu reaffirmed FAO’s commitment to continue supporting the implementation of the Argentina without Hunger plan, particularly by providing analysis and technical assistance on the social protection components, and on improving the participation of small-scale farmers.
He stressed the great potential of Argentina not only to feed its entire population, but also give a key contribution to global food security, estimating that Argentinian production could provide food to as much as 400 million people.
President Fernández thanked the Director-General for FAO’s support over the last months and the progress already achieved in the fight against hunger, poverty and inequality in Argentina, despite the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
He also highlighted that the strengthened partnership with FAO can greatly contribute for Argentina to develop the necessary conditions to ensure food security and adequate nutrition for its people and other nations.
The Director-General said the impacts of COVID-19 has shown the necessity of transforming agri-food systems, making them more innovative, productive and competitive, but also more inclusive, environmentally sustainable, and climate-friendly.
President Fernández agreed that the pandemic has made the inequalities that exist in the world more visible, and stressed the importance of promoting a global effort and a solidarity pact to create a more equal world, where no one is left behind.
Climate Change and natural resources
The Director-General alluded to the joint work between FAO and the Argentinian government in successfully securing a $82 million grant from the Green Climate Fund to implement a project aimed at mitigating climate change by protecting, restoring and sustainably using forests in Argentina, as well as supporting the livelihoods of thousands of farmers and livestock producers.
He also referred to the implementation of a new GEF project to combat soil desertification and highlighted the importance of working together with different ministries in Argentina (Agriculture, Environment and Social Development).
President Fernández stressed that the world needs a better environment, and affirmed that Argentina intends to develop food production systems that protect the environment.