Restoring the livelihoods of vulnerable populations, the cornerstone of FAO's emergency interventions in Haiti.
According to the National Food Security Coordination (CNSA), more than 46% of the Haitian population is in an emergency situation. This level of food insecurity is explained by different factors such as: the effects of the crisis in Ukraine; the socio-political crisis; the deterioration of the country's security situation which paralyzes the food distribution chain; the increase in food prices due to the depreciation of the national currency (gourde); and social inequalities.
Classified in phase 4 (emergency) of the Integrated Framework for Food Security Analysis (IPC), the North West department is one of the geographical areas of the country most affected by food insecurity with 46% of people in a situation of food insecurity. For the department of Grand'Anse, 54% of the population is in phase 3 (crisis) of the IPC, and 15% in phase 4 of the IPC.
The needs of vulnerable populations are reflected in FAO's emergency plan aimed at improving the production and quality of basic foodstuffs and market gardening, protecting livestock, and restoring animal production, fishermen livelihoods and to improve direct household access to food through the provision of cash transfers.
Thus, in May 2022, FAO was able to assist 1,000 vulnerable households, i.e., 5,000 people, members of thirty-nine (39) Community Based Organizations (CBO), in the North West department by distributing cash, agricultural and training inputs (“cash+” approach). Each household received USD92 for the payment of basic needs (food, medicine, etc.) while waiting for the harvest. These vulnerable beneficiaries (including 610 female heads of household) received their cash via a local partner in Port-de-Paix. With a contribution of USD91 927 , FAO was able to support these beneficiary families in a situation of food insecurity in the municipalities of Port-de-Paix, Chansolme and Blue Basin. These beneficiaries were also trained in market gardening techniques.
At the department of Grand'Anse, thanks to the financing of the Belgian cooperation through the contribution of the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA) and the Multi-Partner Trust Fund of the United Nations for the Consolidation of Peace (MPTF), FAO provided emergency aid to the community victim of the earthquake of August 14, 2021. A total of 962 households, or 4,810 people including 777 women heads of households received two goats thus contributing to the recapitalization of their livestock. A total of 1,924 goats were distributed in the municipalities of Corail and Pestel, which were the most affected by the earthquake in this department.
High quality vegetable and food seeds were distributed to 2,777 households, i.e., 13,885 people, including 1,531 women heads of households. Considering the severity of food insecurity in these communities, an emergency response is still required for the poorest and most affected households to enable them to better meet their immediate and medium-term food needs, to ensure recapitalization of farms affected by the earthquake of August 14, 2021.
Response needs following the earthquake remain very high and resources are limited. FAO wishes to continue to support not only the actions of the government in the revival of agricultural production and the development of the breeding of small ruminants, but also families in a situation of food insecurity. The support of the international community and donors for FAO's interventions in Haiti is more than ever crucial to help relieve even more families in need.